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There’s a book reading club in the database internals discord, on this book! We’re up to chapter 8, but a motivated reader can still easily catch up: https://databass.dev/discord

Interesting. I bought the book with Reuter's student discount, but never read it (apart from some pages). Haven't really done anything with databases since university if I don't count looking into some sqlite database an application has stored on my PC or phone.

I guess the book must still be in storage somewhere, I never through away anything...

Also, making a correct one is not an easy fit.

It’s almost like all seasons of Curb your Enthusiasm were made into the book!

Reminded me of Bartebly the Scrivener and “I would prefer not to”, but also Byul-Chun Han and “Burnout Society”. A very short summary of the latter is that in our day and age we exploit ourselves on behalf of people who would in previous decades exploit us. But of course the author explores both reasons and consequences of this phenomena.

One more book on the subject, possibly even closer related to the field of databases (should cover many of the items mentioned in the post): https://www.databass.dev

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