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I’m for this. China cannot be trusted to let TikTok simply be a business running an app. This can and will be weaponized against the US whenever it benefits China. Which is to say likely right now.

I suspect there is a strong element of “it depends”. If your company needs to grow rapidly to capitalize on an opportunity, having a process that makes hiring this slow doesn’t work. If on the other hand playing the long game is viable, like maybe with a lifestyle type company, this approach is far better. The problem with the pandemic was that it suggested there was a new and big opportunity that made it hard for companies to distinguish the right approach.

I haven’t seen my class of app discussed here. In my case, a mobile app is useful for a subset of features of my web app, but it would never replace to full experience. Very few customers would ever think to look for my app in the App Store. Nonetheless Apple wanted to force me to offer the subscription through the App and then take a 30% cut forever. I ended up just releasing an Android version as they were more lax about not including any payment option. I could see this opening up the option for a lot of business apps that augment functionality elsewhere.

Some strange comments in here about Low Code, as if they weren’t already successful. There are easily hundreds of apps successfully making use of Low Code to solve problems for people. Some Marketing Automation tools have had them for 10+ Years. Integration tools are also often Low Code.

Have any examples? (Genuine question, not an attack!) I've mostly ignored the Low/No Code stuff for a long time.

Microsoft's Power Platform is a low code framework which works well, and generates a massive amount of revenue, as does Salesforce and some others. I recently designed and implemented a complex 500 user child protection application with PP that has been live for a year now. It was highly successful, and the time and cost taken to deliver it was far less than the cost of a hand written solution. That said, there is still quite a lot of custom code required for most enterprise level solutions even with the most mature low code platforms. Low code is not a panacea, and the same issues of how to represent requirements and design arise in the low code world as in the high code world. Low code platforms will continue to mature and improve. Maybe AI will catch them one day, but I'd be surprised if that happens anytime soon.

In 7 months, over 8,000 apps were created with Budibase. Many of these are either data based (admin panels on top of databases), or process based (approval apps).

Budibase is built for internal tools so the apps are behind a log in / portal.

Microsoft Access and Claris FileMaker have nearly 3 decades of success at low-code.

I genuinely think they get a bad wrap because the really successful apps you never hear about, but the problematic ones need a real programmer to sort out.

Integration - IFTTT, Zapier, Boomi, Jitterbit, Workato, and on and on.

Marketing Automation - Marketo, Klaviyo, Mailchimp as a few examples.

Airtable is another that has low-code automation built in

I run a one-person SaaS company supporting three products. One is an iOS and Android all-local storage app so that costs me nothing to run. I have two projects running on Django sharing the same RDS DB. I can support two apps with just a single EC2 each. One runs docker containers. The other I did not dockerize yet. For me, the total costs are about $40/month. I have looked at Netlify and other “easy options” but they double or more my costs due to their costly basic tiers.

The beta was good timing for me. I installed an LE cert on Ubuntu running Apache and it's working fine. The instructions were a bit unclear about whether the "auto" option works yet for that setup (it doesn't). Also, I had an issue with permissions on the cert directory - I use a group for my server permissions (instead of running at root), so had to add that group to the cert directory. But the process is still better than what I've experienced implementing a comodo cert.

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