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Beautifully put

How do you know it’s AI-generated?

Someone needs to coin a new law: n% of everything on the internet is AI generated. Or maybe, as time approaches infinity the probably what you're seeing is AI generated reached 100%.

Let it be known as the frfl law.

And it was so.

we'll need a better name than frfl for marketing purposes. Voisin's law sounds pretty good :P

All don’t, no do

> So what should you say? Simply remind them that your results, availability, and team spirit make you a reliable actor in the success of the company. Emphasise your future commitment more than your past success. In short, show them that by increasing your salary, they’re investing in a long-term project.

They didn’t put it in a separate section but they do have a bit about what to do at the end.

Seconded - very distinctive animation, loved the music.

“Who controls the past controls the future”

Wealthier, yes. But meaningfully wealthier?

Money buys power and the political economy is zero sum, so: concentration of wealth -> concentration of power -> most people lose power -> most people's lives get worse.

And wealth has become much more concentrated. Consider that in the US: * billionaires increased their wealth by ~$5T during the pandemic [1]

* the top 1% own ~30% of wealth and the top .1% own ~13% of wealth [2]

* unlimited election spending by corporations and labor unions has been legal since 2010 [3]

* in FY2018, the top ten Fortune 100 companies receiving the most federal funding achieved an ostensible ROI on lobbying of 100,000% [4]

The trend is only picking up speed.

[1] https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/ten-richest-men-doub... [2] https://www.statista.com/statistics/203961/wealth-distributi... [3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC [4] https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2019/05/14/how...

Reviewing and editing if needed (often not) is dramatically easier than filling out from scratch, regardless of what you call "free tax filing".

It’s actually not. I lived in a country that filled out the forms.

I actually had to dig up pay statements, etc to confirm the information. I’m glad I did because my employer made a mistake on a retirement contribution.

So what did it save me? Maybe typing in some numbers, which is probably 5% of the total effort.

The issue is the complexity of the tax code. It would be great if the IRS pre-filled forms, but the forms aren’t going away.

Many people won’t review the dozen or so pages of forms to make sure they’re correct. No doubt that will favor the IRS, not the tax payer.

Abraham basically bargained God down to save the city if it had ten honest men, but there were not even ten. So even ten wasn’t low enough of a standard for Sodom to be able to pass.

That makes sense, Thank you!

This might be the closest for me. Grew up in choirs and play multiple instruments. Would really love a gospel choir, if one would have me. Will poke around. Thanks!

*too dumb

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