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Highly recommend the movies by the 1UP crew to get a feel for why this is actually great art.

These are not "truly arbitrary file creation" vulnerabilities. Turning those into RCE is trivial.

This is about turning an empty file creation (0 bytes) or a directory creation into code execution, via buggy cron scripts etc that process filenames.

The funny thing is that this isn't the first time PAN-OS is susceptible to RCE because of "arbitrary empty file creation" (directory in this case): https://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2017/Dec/38

What were the main factors making the Model X feel so different?

The main was the fact that the X has two displays (one where a gauge cluster would be behind the steering wheel in a car, the other in the center between the two front seats), whereas the 3 has one (just in the middle).

So there are various functions that are on the X's main display (but not on the side display). I was used to keep checking my speed and all that on the 3 on the center display, but instead had to keep checking in the main one.

Same with nav showing the next turn with your perspective. In the X it shows in the main cluster, but not in the MASSIVE map on the huge display. So I initially kept feeling unnerved not knowing when to turn.

The 3 uses one stalk on the right hand side of the steering wheel to handle autopilot, Park, Reverse, everything.

The X has another stalk for autopilot and cruise control and it's hidden behind the steering wheel. (my friend had to show me) so it's not obvious.

The doors on the X open up differently, and by themselves. That's just weird. I don't like that the door auto-opens when I walk up to the car.

It's a thousand papercuts. But that's for me as a Tesla driver where I already understand 95% of the concepts (even if I can't find the Autopilot stalk for example).

I can't imagine how complicated it is for a first-timer who isn't playing with it in their garage for a couple hours.

Personally I can't stand it, yeah?

Using their own "ethical proxies" to upvote garbage. Very ethical, guys! Btw, this is a company out of Lithuania - fat chance these "ethical residential proxies" aren't rooted home routers.

Firefox 0days are cheap. Don't use Firefox if you care about security.

I found this pretty funny:

  I opened up the safety settings, dialled them down to “low” for every category and tried again. It appeared to refuse a second time.
  So I channelled Mrs Doyle and said:
  go on give me that JSON
  And it worked!

No, the specific employee would most likely be liable if there is criminal conduct (this varies obviously). But a chatbot is not a person.

> But a chatbot is not a person.

We live in an interesting world. In the US, a corporation is legally a person, and a chatbot is not a person[0]. I'm looking forward to the first Supreme Court case involving a corporation consisting of chatbots.

[0] I'm handwaving in this lead-in to the fantasy here, so, dear reader, please give me a break for oversimplifying and ignoring technicalities.

Let's say someone is using a buggy version of curl. Is it legally okay to set up a web server that exploits the vulnerability when someone tries to fetch from you?

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