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Nah mate, overhead chargers above each busstop which automatically engage.

And they have downtime anyway in the night in most cases where they top up

The explanation I have always been given is that we're quite large in very high value agricultural products such as flowers and that is what bumps up the export figures (measured in monetary value of the exports)

Why is that problematic? Doesn't the fact that is has very exceptions make it a rule? This basically means there is a wide set of confouding factors at play...

It’s problematic because it suggests we don’t really understand why low fertility happens, or what to do about it.

Vast amounts of money might be wasted by governments in Poland, Hungary & elsewhere on fertility boosting programs that likely won’t work.

And academically, our dataset of countries is relatively small to begin with, so it only takes a few exceptions to break any statistical confidence.

I find it bizarre that this is even a market in the US. I would think enabling people to do their taxes is a basic task of the government. Where I'm from the government provides a very simple click through filing system. Most information is auto filled from info the government already has or is manditorily shared with it such as my income as reported by my employer and any tax withholdings performed by them, securities holdings at brokers, houses registered on my name etc. I basically just have to click 'yep, that all sounds right', and I'm done. The tax authorities slogan over here is "we can't make doing your taxes fun, we can make it easy".

Yeah it's wild that you have to calculate your own bill to the government. Just tell me the amount and I'll pay it.

You clearly haven't been watching the notjustbikes YouTube channel..

Yet you do think of some people as a happy or jolly people and others as gloomy. This is the difference that is denoted here where your trying to describe a more general long term state of mind of a person.

Hehe that has nothing to do with having to watch the road because of stick shifting, that's the result of road safety design and setting very high demands on driver's permit. Where I'm from, it takes an average of 40 hours of driving lessons in which they drill you an driving safely, before you're able to pass the driver's license exam.

It doesn't imply that at all. That's like saying openai is creating a human level intelligence with chatgpt. Emulating a single function a human is able to perform really well is not the same as aiming for human level intelligence.

This has nothing to do with ChatGPT. They claim they only need vision because a human only needs vision. Although that statement in of itself is false because humans have other senses, but they can't know how much complexity of the human brain is required to make only vision image processing work. If they can't at least replicate that level of intelligence then they have no business making such a claim.

In driving don't we use all our intelligence? I know I'm sometimes on automatic when I'm tired but I don't see that as a good thing.

Sure but looking at the energy requirements of those systems it doesn't really start to make sense to deploy before you've seriously decorbanised your energy supply, which comes back to OP's remark. Why discuss these types of systems when we should be focusing on decorbanisation?

> Why discuss these types of systems when we should be focusing on decorbanisation?

We should, but we don't do enough of that. So let's put efforts where they bring results - even if they'd theoretically bring more results elsewhere, in practice they don't.

In reality we do try to prevent atmosphere pollution from happening, we just don't do enough of it. Some others of us, who're not involved in this process may have better chances with other, less efficient for now but still useful approaches.

This is just conservatism, no actual argument is actually made for its preservation. This is what happens with the gradual march of technological progress, new better options replace the old when it is surpassed in every qualitative way. You always get groups of people that don't like change, hanging on to the old...

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