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This institute is founded by some of the best people in their respective fields. I think probabilistic programming is one of the most underrated fields in AI. Have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYQrNfSmQ0M&t=1000s or this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFXcVlKqPlM for an intro. So I highly recommend getting in touch with them if you have the skills/interest.

Look for Vitalik, balaji srinivasan, naval ravikant podcasts, also chris dixon

Interestingly, the poet with the highest level understanding can be clueless about UTF-8 or what a pixel is

Yeah. Have a look at this for a good summary of the ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhYGXYeMq_E

I'm using the qgmlwy layout for a few years now, pretty happy with it. I remapped caps & added a new modifier to have a "special chars" layer and it works pretty well. Overall it's more trouble than it's worth, if I had to redo the whole journey, I would simply learn to touch-type with querty (maybe colemak), but I'm still happy with the end result.

Posted a comment on this thread, https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26321793, then had people contact me and had very good conversations as a result.

Also, I met my co-founder on reddit/r/algotrading and it was a total game-changer for me (reddit is not HN, but similar)

Deep Learning (by Aaron Courville, Ian Goodfellow, and Yoshua Bengio) Read cover to cover, then applied these techniques to Crypto Markets (turns out, crypto markets are pretty inneficient)

Interesting. Do your trading strategies still work, or has the market become too efficient? Did you ever trade in a bear market, and by how much did you beat returns on holding just BTC and ETH?

We have experience trading since march 2020, so no proper experience in a bear market. We deployed our first algos with nontrivial amounts (> 100usd) the night before the march crash. And yes we did get rekt that night :) Trading strategies work. That it still works is a huge mystery to me. We did beat BTC, we have no long/short bias, and are doing the best during volatile periods (up or down)

You may be interested in earning money from your models with stocks at https://numer.ai, if you don’t already know about it.

I hate reading comments like this because it always causes me to waste a week dabbling in jupyter notebooks with bitcoin data before realizing it's probably far too much work for me. Happens every 10 months, on average. I know it's 99% data cleansing to arrive at a "true" price through the noise. How to do that, I don't know.

I assume if you had consistent success you were doing more than time series forecasting on prices. Any chance you can elaborate a bit about what were the model inputs and outputs?

Did you know ML before that?

Before that, I had a strong interest in AI & ML, read the Deep Learning book and did the cs231n mooc. So I could train basic neural networks with pytorch but that was it.

Do you think air pollution can be a cause of headaches and do you have good sources for reading about this? Recently I have been having a constant headache after moving to Budapest. Went to the doctors, they found nothing wrong with me. I went back to Germany and France for two weeks, felt better there. Back to Budapest, felt worse again. I also tried to move to Bielsko-Biala in Poland and the headache has gotten even worse here (2 days since I'm in Poland) It seems far fetched that pollution is the cause of my headache because most people do not have headaches there, so I want to read more about it.

I'm pretty sure my cat allergies were giving me 3-day headaches when one of our cats that I'm most allergic to would sleep in our bed and then I'd end up with the same pillow she slept on. I kept the cat out of the bedroom and no more asthma or headaches for 3-4 months now. So perhaps allergies?

I don’t have any sources, just another anecdote. I live in Beijing, and one of my friends gets a headache whenever the air gets close to 200 AQI. (That’s not the case for me or most people I know though. Me, I get a days-long sore throat once a quarter unless I have an air purifier at home and at work)

Why not buy an air purifier?

Could also be allergies. You might try and OTC allergy medication for a bit and see if it makes any difference.

Then it's a matter of investing that money wisely for a few years

https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.08381.pdf A take on Josh Tenenbaum's hard problem of learning

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