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Would be okay, if it wasn't required to be subsidized by california via the state- and the result of the failed experiments be parked at other peoples doorsteps (as greyhound homeless or superfund sites) all the time.

In what way is California subsidizing Florida? These are two of the richest states in the country, mind you.

They are referring to how California residents contribute more in federal tax dollars than they get back, making it a donor state. Florida gets more federal dollars than the residents contribute, which did surprise me, but it appears to be the case. However, it is not necessarily California residents subsidizing Florida. The residents of New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts all contribute a significantly greater positive balance in federal taxes than do residents of California.

There’s a lot of Social Security money flowing to all those retirees.

All the red states (except Texas) are a Federal drain generally, not just Florida.

The top donor states do vote blue, but I'm not certain this is a causal factor in the strength of their economy. The consistent donor states of Texas, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and California have all had strong economies for the last century regardless of who has been in power.

Those donor states, except Texas, have strong economies because they're basically where smart people are concentrated: those states all have premier universities, and various industries (like tech in CA, pharma in NJ, finance in NY, etc.) that depend on highly-educated "knowledge workers". Texas is rich because of natural resources (energy) mainly.

Because smarter people have migrated to these states, they vote Blue, because the Red party these days is basically the party of anti-science, uneducated religious nuts. University graduates overwhelmingly vote Blue in the US. (Also, there's a high inverse correlation between education and religiosity.)

Keep in mind, it wasn't always this way: not that long ago, the Republican party was the party of fiscally-conservative pro-business and other upper-class people (and the Democratic party was the pro-labor and other generally lower-class party), so these states frequently swung Red. Not any more.

I'm well aware of the current correlation of voting patterns to educational attainment and it certainly plays into this dynamic.

Horray for industry deregulation..

> their production was banned for most uses by United States federal law on January 1, 1978, under Title 15 U.S.Code 2605(e)

What exactly are you talking about?

PCBs are still ever present because they were banned but not removed from use. The result is over the decades since the ban, there were spills and other contamination.


Removing "flame-retardants, plasticizers, paints, caulking compounds, sealants" from buildings seems overreach, you'd probably have to raze them. They didn't even do that for asbestos or lead paint.

Yea but it wasn't just in buildings. They were for example, part of coolants used in transformers. When those fail they leak and contaminate.

Sure, but the same argument applies.

If you have been poor for 5 years, that is ingrained in your behaviour.

I was homeless, then working below minimum wage for about that long. I now make 750k a year.

Don't write off the poor as broken, help them achieve to their ability. Most poor folks aren't poor because of bad choices, they are poor because of systemic issues that make life harder and more expensive. If we lift these people out of that hell scape, they'd be able to do so much more.

my bank, for instance, would reorganize my deposits and debits to maximize overdraft fees. I would put cash in, then go use my debit card later in the day, but the debit would process first. Then I would overdraft, then the cash would be applied, then the next purchase would overdraft. Despite the first operation being putting cash in the bank that would cover. My bank also had a 0% interest rate on my savings account because "we made a mistake".

You can be in the upper-middle class and have medical debt that you're unable to pay.

Libertarian ideology colonialism attacking a souvreign nation state. Thing you do not see every day.

As I understand it, the previous govt invited the conquistadores and let them buy free reign.

And the souvreign changed his opinion on that. Corruption is not a trapdoor function, you can get rid of that.

You will also get rid of any trust from foreigners and, thus, any future foreign investment.

Sometimes keeping your word is more important that attainment of ideological purity. China can survive such a loss of trust, because it is a Behemoth of a nation and can live somehow regardless. Honduras much less so.

(I am saying this as a citizen of a small country who doesn't like all our commitments either, but the alternative of just going back on our word would be fairly detrimental to us long term.)

Was there really ever any trust, except for the - we can get away with bribing people and steal stuff as fast as we can carry and can get away with it? A dishonest merchant will only meet dishonest people.

You make two entrances - one is "backstage and delivery guys" - thats where the people you want get in- the other is for insta-noodles and hipster-replacement folk, who want to wait all night and then get rejected in some viral video..

Eh, because they do not want people there, who listen to promotions and whatever the socialsewersystems carries as hip to them.

Where there is affordable housing, there be musicians doing brave new things instead of worrying about rent and rapping rants about gentrification.

> Where there is affordable housing, there be musicians doing brave new things instead of worrying about rent and rapping rants about gentrification.

So I am not a techno aficionado, and I'm curious what the state of Detroit techno is now. It seems like it should be more notable (maybe it is and I'm not in the scene to know) given the history and cost of living.

I regret the US turning away from house and techno, compared to Europe.

> I'm curious what the state of Detroit techno is now

Still got it, never lost it.

So school us a bit, rep your city since UNESCO won't. Where does one go in Detroit and what will they find?

Are people there talking about this?

Reintroduce shareholder liability - if you missmanage a company such that it creates liability, you participate in it with more then the shares value?

Tobacco companies, share prices to the moon! What next do you want politicians unable to trade on privileged insider knowledge? Barbarity!

Sure, but at this point I'd settle for "fees that aren't a tiny fraction of the ill gotten gains."

That's a great way to prevent the formation of new companies.

The result will be very few, very big companies owning the whole economy.

Let's not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

The percentages of democratic citizens assimilated into china would reach quiet a interesting percentage with taiwan assmiliated into the mainland. You can censor and propagandize all you want, but people who travelled or know better, just wont blieve a word of it happily ever after. One wonders what the internal "knowing" citizen rate is by now in china.

The party relies on divide and conquer of uniformed fools. But the fools are in the minority by now - and the divide and conquer is one sneaky trustfall decentralized communication platform away from never working again.

Up Next: Ambulance chasers offering there services to GPL projects.. the hunt begins.

I don’t know… that’s kind of a negative way to see it. but I mean those auto DMCA takedown services already kind of do something like this right? Why shouldn’t IP violation checking as a service be a real thing that open developers can access? I think your framing of this is wrong. More empowerment and legal protection and enforcement for developers that underpin the ecosystem is a good thing.

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