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Hey folks, Phiar founder here (YC S18), we are the AI and AR tech behind this Panasonic AR HUD.

Just wanted to help clarify that 300ms means "delay", not refresh rate (FPS). We run our entire AI and AR at under 33 ms per frame, and we can get to about 60 FPS of optimized throughput. The 300ms of delay mostly comes from the hardware display process: it takes time for the camera to receives an image, and passes that image through many different pieces before getting to the processor that we can use, and then it takes again some time to be rendered. With that said 300ms is the upper-bound and typically the delay is less than that. Further, you may not have noticed but there's similar delays for iPhone AR games, as well as to all other AR headsets, and that delay is there just for the videos to display (no AR, no AI).

We also recognize that distraction is a risk, and therefore UI/UX design is highly important here. Ultimately, we believe that overlaying on a live view in a clean and effective way is better than people reading directions off of a synthetic 2D map on a different screen that takes your eyes completely away from the frontal view.

Definitely appreciate all the feedback and discussions though, we will continue to improve and do our best to deliver a product that people want!

- BTW we are totally hiring: software engineers, PMs, sales, AI/AR scientists, and more!

For folks looking for the link:


We are currently in talk with leading ridesharing and car makers on partnership opportunities as well, great opportunity for self-driving car related enthusiasts!

Phiar is developing the first AI-driven, Augmented Reality navigation app for driving, to revolutionize how people experience and navigate the world! We just recently announced our Seed round, co-led by top-tier funds that include Norwest and Mayfield, featured on TechCrunch: https://tcrn.ch/2TQHATu

We are currently looking for SLAM Computer Vision Engineer and experienced iOS developer https://www.phiar.net/#careers, would love to talk to you if you're a talented engineer looking into the AI/AR space!

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