How much time did he get on fox news? How many new followers on social media?
This is the game they are playing. The attention game. Just like the kid who misbehaves so people pay attention to him. This is what social media has done to our society.
These models will get better. And in answer to the previous question, of course they will get rid of artists. They will keep just enough to do the work necessary with the help of generative models, and let go of the rest.
The rest of the artists are not dumb, and they have a lot of talent. I'm sure many of them will use the same models to come up with their own games.
How this whole thing will play out is anyone's guess. Long term, I'm hoping for new types of jobs to come into being. But who can say?
Anyone who has raised a child knows they hallucinate constantly when they are young because they are just doing probabilistic output of things they have heard people say in similar situations and saying words they don't actually understand.
You could definitely convince people to have more children by offering significant tax/money incentives.(2k/month per child would certainly be a policy that had a very significant effect on fertility.)
No one is offering incentives of the magnitude I'm talking about. If the incentives become big enough they will work.
"Some countries offer child benefits, such as the UK, where the first child receives £21.80 per week and each additional child receives £14.45 per week."
What a joke. Start paying mothers 60k/year for the first 3-4 years like it is a job and suddenly we'll have more babies then we know what to do with. Scale it by household income like social security.
> Surely a pager message isn't transmitted from every tower everywhere.
They generally are!
Some systems required the sender to select a geographic region to increase bandwidth efficiency, or alternatively the pager owner to update their coarse-scale location with the operator after moving significant distances.
The latter is what the old Iridium satellite pagers did (do?), for example. (Not sure how the new GDB-based ones work.)
The new Iridium pagers are two-way as far as I've heard. Only the old ones were one-way.
I think the service is finally being decommissioned due to the Iridium Next satellites not supporting it anymore. It has been supported for more than a decade without onboarding new customers though.
> The new Iridium pagers are two-way as far as I've heard.
Apparently that's optional:
> Iridium Burst-enabled devices can be configured as receive-only so that no transmissions are made, a feature valued highly by some customer segments.
> I think the service is finally being decommissioned due to the Iridium Next satellites not supporting it anymore.
If that's the case, it would have been inoperable since 2017 – they deorbited the old satellites immediately after confirming deployment of the new ones.
That's exactly how they work, actually. Or at least worked, traditionally. There are assuredly some two-way pagers out there now.
But yeah, you'd usually pay for service in a certain (large) geographic area, and if you wanted to take your pager out of that area while on a trip, or if you moved, you'd have to let the pager company know so they could start broadcasting in the new area.
This is the game they are playing. The attention game. Just like the kid who misbehaves so people pay attention to him. This is what social media has done to our society.