What I know is, India is the most corrupt country. If you want to do business in the best ethical way, this is not the place.
Try something else, or learn dirty politics and exploit peoples before you enter.....
I am Indian..
It crashes on any Atom feed. It seems the code in scrapper.js only handles RSS, and even there makes some assumptions that might not hold for all feeds.
Google first Kills or acquire small companies and then kill the acquired company for integrating it with Google Plus. Then turn off the service without thinking about the peoples using it.
It is the power of huge money, monopoly and over confidence.
I know my DropBox password, and I know my KeePass password. I honestly thought that was enough, under the assumption that a) if my DropBox account was inaccessible, those files would still be on my hard drive, and b) if my laptop were lost or destroyed, I could still log into the web interface and grab the files from there.
Yes, your password DB should be backed up in a couple of places, and of course, keep the master password offline securely as well. I don't use a ready made solution, but something similar with GPG
And don't forget to test the backups periodically, and check the master password