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duplicacy :)

cd <whatever root you want to be backup)

duplicacy init -e <storage-name> <storage-url>

# set password for storage if neccessary

duplicacy set -key password -value <storage-password>

# edit .duplicacy/filters to ignore/add files to backup

vim .duplicacy/filter

# check which files will be backed up

duplicacy -d -log backup --enum-only

# run your first backup

duplicacy backup -stats

# add the following command to your crontab

duplicacy -log backup -stats

Just never connect them to the internet. I just use them as a display for my apple tv.

I think Apple’s strategy here is going to pay off. Provide a box with an actual fast processor in it, a simple Home Screen with no ads, and an OS with no tracking. Somehow this is a revolutionary idea in this industry.

But slowly I’m seeing more people recommending the AppleTV, even amongst enthusiast circles which tend to be rather anti-Apple.

How would that help? You plug your AppleTV into a smart TV (to be able to use it) and the TV takes tracking snapshots anyway.

You don't connect your TV to the internet.

A report of a Samsung TV automatically connecting to a nearby unsecured network: https://web.archive.org/web/20210912135232/https://forum.dev...

Not as common as I thought though: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25275350

We're linking to a random forum post as "proof?" If this was a widespread problem, we'd know it, but all we get is conspiracies which this is.

Kind of the opposite. I had heard of it happening, so looked for evidence, and found that HN post asking for evidence, with that random post seemingly the only bit supplied.

Yeah TV is not something everyone wants to play around with. Not even nerds. Especially if you have a partner which just want to watch tv. You just want to relax and watch tv without any issues.

no obviously apparent tracking*

Do you have a source for the hidden tracking in Apple TV you’re referring to?

I don't have much hands-on experience of Apple TV's, but the internet is full of mentions of a "Limit Ad Tracking" option that defaults to off (more tracking).


apple's own privacy policy, have a fun read https://www.apple.com/legal/privacy/en-ww/

This is a very fuzzy memory, but I remember a report of a smart device that "helpfully" automatically connects to other devices nearby, forming a mesh network.

In other words, even if you never connect your TV to your WIFI, it might be enough that your neighbour does.

If anyone has any more info on this I'd be very interested in seeing it

The parent post is probably referring to Amazon Sidewalk, a mesh network formed from Echo devices and other Amazon smart ~~garbage~~ devices, launched in 2021: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/05/amazon-devices-will-...

I tried searching for it, without much luck. I don't think I was thinking of Sidewalk, though. It was more like some TV manufacturer like TCL, LG, etc. The best I could find are some unconfirmed reports of devices automatically connecting to open WiFi, which doesn't quite match.

But I can't find anything now, so it might be best to consider it apocryphal.

I don't think that's the same. Amz Sidewalk is very slow, low bandwidth over sub-GHz. What GP is thinking about is probably along the lines of, if not getting Internet access by the owner, willy-nilly connecting to any open wifi network it finds, and uses that.

But "meshing" with other apparatus from the same manufacturers is a clever and evil idea - perhaps another TV from the same brand is in range and has Internet, then they can proxy that way.

All these probably break some regulations or laws.

Did you know that HDMI cables have Ethernet running over them?

My TV is a Raspberry 3B+ with a TV Hat and TVHeadend on my Android phone and tablets. My disconnected LG smart TV sits in a corner connected to an old PlayStation. I can use it to watch movies with friends if I want to: I connect to it either my laptop or my tablet with a HDMI cable.

BTW: why a smart TV? Because for only an extra 50 Euro I got a much better screen (subjective assessment) than the best dumb TV on sale when I went shopping for them years ago.

Meanwhile my 70 year old something mother wants to watch TV not having to rely on me for tech support when she does.

For nerds, brilliant. I love such setups myself but for the household consumer it's an no-go.

the bane of my existence. I have some older family dealing with serious cognitive decline and when it comes to my parents or in-laws I'm "the guy" so they will ask for my help navigating the TV because they are still understandably clinging onto satellite/cable while being forced to learn streaming.

I'm more than happy to help as this is an area of interest but man, what I would do to be able to set my father-in-law up with a TV, streamer, remote he can use consistently. When I bought an Apple TV I thought that would solve his problems when they housesat for us but his motor issues get in the way and he always forgets Siri. I raised this question of how do we better serve older adults a few times at an assistive tech conference and no one seems to have cracked the code yet.

FYI you can use a universal infrared remote with Apple TV, which might have larger buttons or a more familiar interface. I have mixed feelings myself about the "touchpad" in the apple remote.

Definitely. I'll be in that place if VR eventually takes over and I'll have to wear something to get anything accomplished.

They are making this increasingly difficult, though. I bought a Vizio TV years ago that came with a physical remote. At some point the firmware was updated in a way that the physical remote could only perform limited function, and to do anything slightly advanced (changing the input, brightness, things like that) you had to use their app. Which, of course, required connecting to the internet. Obviously this could have been avoided if I hadn't connected it to the internet in the first place and upgraded the firmware. But I didn't have that hindsight at the time. And I think some newer models don't even come with a physical remote. But, lesson learned: I will never even consider buying a Vizio ever again.

I got 2 projects through my personal website. I can tell that because the email on my website is unique and not mentioned anywhere else. patwoz.dev :)

3 image example on small/med-low: jpeg looks better than jpeg-xl? but overall really impressive!

My vaultwarden server is behind a vpn, so I just don't need any security measurements at all :)

Yeah, so nice to just have it on the tailnet as https://vaultwarden

That said, I got a Proton family account and switched, in Proton Pass it is much more intuitive and easy to share with family (just say: share this folder with that fam member, read or read/write), since you don't need the whole "Organizations" layer needed in Bit/Vaultwarden (which also has it's ups, I know). Happy to report that Vaultwarden exported everything nicely to .json and importing into Proton Pass was flawless.

I also find Proton Pass to be a bit more helpful in associating urls with credentials, + I now use the 1 alias per login (each credential set has a unique email address) without any effort, Vaultwarden can't do that (yet? Although seems complicated to implement), only (paid) Bitwarden I guess.

Just use remix. It’s so much easier and less painful.

I started using swift after the last wwdc and really fell in love with the language. It's really elegant and powerful at the same time.

I just tried the compiler flags, but the slowest expression is only 3 ms in my 1014loc project. Still very helpful to see where my slowest expressions are. I think I will set the threshold to 1ms and avoid slow expressions at all.

Please remove the need to create an account

My first split keyboard, where I could also easily change the angle. That was an ergonomic game changer for me. I can really recommend a split keyboard to anyone. In my case, it's a Dygma keyboard. I use vim as my primary editor and I've never been able to type so fast and for so long without interruption

Been using a splitkb for a year now. The only regret, I didn't buy it sooner.

Seriously nothing compares to the typing experience of split keyboard. Open shoulders are great, relaxed arms and wrists is a blessing, then there are layers. Those are sooooo awesome when used in correct way!

It has really been amazing experience. I can't imagine going to normal keyboards.

I installed these apps on my mother's smartphone (Motorola) after the existing apps became unusable because they slowed down or displayed large banner ads.

Thank you for these great apps. I just donated to you :)

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