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This is nice, and as a simple way to write and keep cross-references without having to commit to Word or LaTeX (journals often require one or the other, and often Word in my field unfortunately). The thing that would keep me from using this regularly is mostly issues of UI/UX polish, and of course no Linux version.


- On Windows right now and the scrollbars pop out as white even when disabled (nothing to scroll), so I can't stand to use dark mode, but also hate light mode in general.

- The menu bar is my normal Windows UI font size, and the UI in the app otherwise is much bigger. The mismatch bugs me excessively.

- Relatedly, I need to be able to set fonts and sizes. Forcing me into one that doesn't have glyphs I need, and then forcing a fallback that's mismatched, it's a problem. Forcing me to use Poppins as the only font alone is reason enough that I won't be able to use it.

Which is really a shame because I would start using this tomorrow as my main writing tool for solo papers. It checks the boxes I otherwise need and would let me focus on writing not on packages or templates or other things that are just a waste of time, since again at any point I may need to run it through pandoc anyway if I change my mind on which journal to submit to.

Also local-only would be needed, but I guess the server is an easy enough way to implement a paywall? I just don't feel comfortable sending potentially sensitive data to some unknown server.

That said, honestly just giving me access to something like the stylesheet for basics would be a huge help, and again that alone would have me using this tomorrow. Otherwise I'll stick to Google Docs or Overleaf.

Well done, overall, though.

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