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The killer feature I need is heartbeat so I can make some device send a request every 5 min and if it’s not sent then it is down. Currently using UptimeRobot for this.

Hey mate, I'm using https://healthchecks.io/ for heartbeat monitoring my crons. It's been working flawlessly for quite some time now. The UI is super clean and easy to navigate. It's also free up to 20 monitored jobs. Note - I'm not in any way related to that project.

Thanks for sharing this.

I haven’t used the product but I remember reading about if here on Hacker News: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31488910

Thank you!

You can use also the open-source Uptime Kuma for this (actually for almost everything else what UptimeRobot knows)


I’ve considered using this. Just haven’t got around to it.

+1 for Uptime Kuma

I have been using healthchecks.io for over 4 years and I can vouch for it. Super reliable, I think it might do the job :)

Thanks for sharing!

I think that could also be helpful for ensuring scheduled jobs are running fine. I can see myself wanting this at some point.

It helps for internal servers that don’t have a public ip.

DeadManSnitch works pretty well for that

Apple can want to lock in users and also want to protect users. These are not mutually exclusive incentives.

Eaton is what I use and it is one of the only ones that provide pure sine wave. It’s good stuff.

Well you’re not wrong about Sheetz. Ha

I think it will be a lot of fun to build it and then because you built it you will be highly motivated to use it for a season. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe 6 months, but eventually it will will be boring too.

I find pomodo style gorilla warfare works best for me. I tell myself I will work on the implementation for 15 minutes. If after 15 minutes I am still repelled by this task to the point I am unproductive, then I accept that, make necessary notes and do something else.

I will try again tomorrow. Eventually I hit a point where I have done enough that I am motivated to continue to see it completed.

I will do gorilla attacks on cleaning my office, writing marketing email, inbox zero, implementing some new feature. It works for me for a lot of things.

When I am just unable to do what I’m “supposed” to do then I give myself grace and go do the thing that is consuming my attention at the moment.

This “unproductive” stuff often becomes new ideas, new features, new friends, and brings meaning to my life.

This is my workflow too. And it works fine. I think the disconnect here is that I grew up fighting dependencies when compiling other programs from source on Linux. I know how painful it can be and I’ve accepted the pain and when I came to python/venv I thought “This isn’t so bad!”

But if someone is coming from data science and not dev-ops then no matter how much we say “all you have to do”. The response will be why do I have to do any of this?

I had this same observation playing factorio. When I started I made spaghetti factories with a friend and had to constantly refactor as requirements changed in the game. It was a blast. Then we started getting into optimization and suddenly there was only one right way to do it. Overnight all the fun was sucked out of the game.

Often I will learn more by building things poorly with hubris and whimsy. “How hard can it be?” has gotten me in way over my head so many times. But I always learn a ton and discover fun digging my way out.

We found DVD Styler [0] to work well enough for making dvds of our church service for elderly who had no internet during pandemic.

[0] https://www.dvdstyler.org/en/

Don’t let people dissuade you from charging. I think your site looks great. I think the exercise of setting up a payment system is worth it.

It did ask me to connect using google. I bailed there since I don’t really want to connect my google account to random things.

I’m not actually wanting to learn vim. I know it enough to do whatever I need while ssh’d into random machine. But I do want to encourage you to keep building stuff!

This software is great. During Covid we would pre-record our church service and then live stream it Sunday. We would use dvd styler to burn dvd’s and deliver them to our members who weren’t able to livestream.

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