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That was google's original plan with Dart.

I believe Dart was originally gradually typed, and then abandoned the gradual typing for strict-typing-by-default? That doesn't quite sound properly type-safe to me although still safer than how Javascript is by default.

My only reference is a memory of this talk by Richard Feldman but I might be wrong or misremembering. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tml94je2edk

Released 22 February 2018

Dart 2.0 implemented a new sound type system

Dart's type system, like the type systems in Java and C#, is sound.


Thanks for the link. I'm aware Dart currently has static typing similar to Java and C#, and has had it for some time,

My question was different though and I was asking (quoting comments further up the chain) whether "google's original plan with Dart" really was to allow for a programming language "which can be properly type-safe from the beginning".

It seems that claim about the original intent is false. I checked Wikipedia [0] which states "Dart 2.0 was released in August 2018 with language changes including a type system" and the reference they link seems to corroborate that, before 2.0, Dart didn't have a sound type system.

Thanks for prompting me to dig deeper (I probably wouldn't have done it without seeing your comment).

[0] Quote found under the history section. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dart_(programming_language)

Thanks, I was probably responding to “That doesn't quite sound properly type-safe to me” in isolation.

Is Dart sound these days? When I tried it, it was pretty easy to trigger type errors at runtime.

These days Dart — considers all variables non-nullable — enforces sound null safety."


Well, null safety is a good start.

But I seem to remember that the type-checker got confused rather easily with nested closures, for instance, or co/contra-variance.

I suppose it all depends on personality: some swe's prefer to write, some prefer to draw (I do both, but would hate to only have to deal a 1mil-lines-of-code fractal, but would be (and am) fine with the 1970 approach). The OP's solution then might be a great addition to my toolbox.

It's not even needed anymore: "HN".padStart(10); That's it.

Does pad start respect RTL marks? /s

'You'll own nothing and be happy' world then?

Household appliances aren't a thing many people are attached to, which simply should work. Giving up the worries there might make people happy.

If one doesn't get the feeling that one overpays. And that fear will likely win, before another model reaches scales where it is beneficial.

We can see that a bit with cars in cities, where car sharing tries to do that, while profits are hard to make (also die to hard competition between companies)

In a world where customer service is being reduced YoY, and slowly given over to chatbots. You are telling me that you trust companies to give you timely service for something you rent?

When was the last time you had trouble with your Internet router or modem? A large number of people rent these items from their ISP.

(1) the cost of renting, in this case, is way higher than the actual value of the device. (Last I looked, you rent for a year, you are better off buying your own)

(2) repair requires a 12 hour window of your time. May not be able to come due to high volume of work per tech.

(3) no penalty for the company really if your stuff doesn't work for 3-5 days, as long as they 'are working on fixing it'

slotchange is your answer. In the connectedCallback add the eventListener and inside your slotchange handler: const myBs = this._slot?.assignedElements();

Davinci Resolve works on Win, Mac and Linux. Switching to it from Adobe's Premier and Aftereffects was the best decision I've made. Oh, and it's free (not the Studio version).

>Davinci Resolve works on Win, Mac and Linux.

Black Magic also provide a custom Rocky Linux ISO with each release. It's not widely-advertised and I found it at the end of their release notes PDF.

>For users setting up new systems or looking to use a standardized DaVinci Resolve environment, a standard Rocky Linux 8.6 ISO is available to download at:


>(MD5: https://downloads.blackmagicdesign.com/DaVinciResolve/DaVinc...).

>The ISO file can be burned to a bootable USB flash drive or a DVD for the installation process. Before installation, ensure that you have backups of your files, including media and Resolve project libraries. Turn off UEFI Secure Boot in BIOS configuration and boot from the ISO.

>Selecting the Automatic option will erase all the files on your connected drives during installation. Please ensure that you only connect a single boot drive to install the OS onto. Alternatively, select Manual configuration and customize the target drive and partitions when installing the OS.

>The installer takes care of all dependencies - including standard libraries, Nvidia drivers and DeckLink drivers. When the installation is complete, you can reboot the system once, and download and install DaVinci Resolve using the instructions above. When upgrading DaVinci Resolve, please check this section in the new installer for any special instructions you may need for the new version.

Please share with us the details. What is great about it?

I do believe that Resolve is not open source, correct? That's not an issue for me but it could be for others.

I sometimes edit videos for a raptor conservation charity. I found Resolve to be great for standard tasks such as creating videos from multiple input clips, trimming / fading / transitioning and editing out bloopers. It was also excellent for audio editing, e.g. getting rid of background wind noise, etc.

Some of its built-in tools are quite sophisticated, e.g. setting up key frames that follow a moving object (a bird in this case), and then adding tracking 'targeting graticules' or changing orientation from landscape to vertical (i.e. for mobile), but dynamically changing the screen clipping coords so that a bird flying across the landscape view remains central when converted to vertical.

This was all with the free version. I've some prior experience with video editing software so the learning curve wasn't too bad. I did watch some of DaVinci's tutorials to understand the basic conventions, e.g. around the major tool modes, use of the node-graph editor for assembling effects, etc.

Resolve has a all-in-one approach to movie making: it has a NLE (copy/paste/trim/arrange video clip), a very advanced color grading tool (in fact it was born as one), an audio editor (née Fairlight), and even a compositor (née Fusion).

All of those components are production-ready, free (as in beer), have a dedicated team working on the product. Plus, the parent company seems in very good health and doesn't seems to make stupid decision (probably because they're making most of their money on hardware ?)/

What I like about it is that it is an industrial grade tool and pretty reliable, and allows 4K output for free, and the full version is fairly reasonably priced. You will not be limited by the tool, it can basically do anything you'd want to do in this space. There is also plentiful help on the net showing you how to do it. The simple stuff is really no harder than in any of the other tools I tried, and the hard stuff is possible.

Yes, an upgrade path to a quality commerical tool is certainly an advantage.

Another comment suggests the free version simply doesn't accept 10 bit input files. I use kdenlive for my limited editing and was thinking to try Davinci but that seems like a deal breaker as 10-bit is coming fast to consumer, prosumer devices.

> Another comment suggests the free version simply doesn't accept 10 bit input files.

It definitely does, at least for certain platforms and formats. https://documents.blackmagicdesign.com/SupportNotes/DaVinci_...: "For macOS and Windows, DaVinci Resolve will also read most formats natively supported by the operating system."

I'm not aware of a Resolve compatibility matrix that encompasses every possible platform, host OS, and format, but it doesn't take long to just try the free version. If the Sony source doesn't work directly, I'd recommend using ffmpeg to convert a test file to ProRes before giving up.

Worst case, the $300 one-time cost is one of the best deals in commercial/professional software.

People have every right to be furious about it though. Look at amazon prime: they've now introduced ads for paying customers. Want no ads? - pay more. What will stop youtube from doing the same? After all, shareholders must appeased. Where does it end?

No idea why the downvotes, this really happened and it will happen again.

> What will stop youtube from doing the same?

Nothing. And given it's their company, they get to offer their products/services however they wish.

If you don't find value in it, stop using it.

> After all, shareholders must appeased. Where does it end?

As someone who owns an S&P 500 index fund, which has Alphabet as a component, I would like to see returns to help fund my retirement.

When customers push back.

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