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It's other way around - most of Cyberpunk aesthetic heavily inspired by Kowloon

Telegram moving in this direction very fast. At this moment, telegram is used as news, blogs, file transfer app, chat etc. Recently added miniapps with real payments integration, "stars" as internal currency

You're getting downvoted mysteriously, as this is indeed true. All of Telegram's recent updates have been toward this purpose.

Calculator++ is lovely, i like how it works. These swiping buttons especially usefull on small-ish screens.

P.S. tried keyboard, should work wery well with termux. Did not figure out how to swith to next language. Custom keys, yay!

> Did not figure out how to swith to next language

1. Select the needed ones in the settings

1. Swipe up on the space bar

Swipe on specebar = cursor movement, which is useful

Edit: manually added languages again in settings and "swipe up" action appear

where's the link to Calculator++ ?

It's listed as a "similar app" in the README. I think it has a similar feature where you can swipe on keyboard keys to type different characters.

If that is true then liar said truth.

Indeed, which is why the premise is false. So if a liar who always lies says that thing about ten foot men, ten foot men must exist, and at least one does not have brown hair.

And that's why we must conclude that there must be a ten-foot tall man, so it can have non-brown hair, so that the liar indeed lied.

Why liar can't lie about ten-foot tall man? Liar could mean two-inch hamster but lied and said ten-foot tall man

If you do limit/offset on database side, page number is enough. Though this doesn't work well for bigger page numbers. There's other ways to do pagination, e.g. with "cursors", where cursor is simply id of last record on previous page. SQL query is very efficient, but jumping to page X is impossible. In this scenario storing cursors for past pages is needed

There are libraries for Ecto that help with this.


Careful that this library last I used it (2020 or so) used a particularly insecure encoding of the cursor that basically allows remote execution. Not sure if they ever addressed it.

Here's the fork I created at the time to work around some of these issues: https://github.com/1player/paginator

Thanks to thread for the informative responses! (And the useful README on your fork/the upstream)

I try to assume someone's thought of better than the best I could, or at least learned the hard way what edge cases need to be handled.

Thanks for pointing that out.

> 5.2 Don't use char(n) even for fixed-length identifiers

Well, i think "char(1) not null" is a valid choice for a very compact 1-byte field, "smallint" is twice as big

A char can be multiple bytes. If 1 byte is what you want, you probably want bytea (with a constraint) or bit(8).

There's also "char", with quotes, as a special type. It's always 1 byte.

The other types have overhead. A single-byte bytea will actually use 2 bytes, char(1) will use at least that much, and bit(8) will use 7 bytes. Smallint is strictly better for representing small numbers.

TIL: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/17/datatype-character.html (it's in the table at the bottom). I'd still be suspicious of using it, and the docs recommend against it, but it exists.

A good reason not to use it is that 49::"char"::int == 49, but 49::"char"::smallint == 1. In other words, int casts directly interpret the value as an integer, but smallint (and bigint) casts interpret it as an ASCII character, '1', which they then convert to the integer 1.

You gotta start learning CRDT and other weird words if you want to build stuff like this. Just having react or whatever is not enough

Of course, but when you'll get to build your web UI, server-side generated HTML will not be the right choice.

Having N leading zeroes is very similar to what "Bitcoin mining" consists of. Brutforcing small-ish N is possible on Raspberry PI in seconds, large-ish is almost impossible

> Should elephants have the same rights as people?

Only if they pay taxes. Jokes aside, there's no legal framework for this kind of stuff. "Full rights" means citizenship, passport, ability to travel, requirement to pay taxes etc etc. There's no other kinds of not-exactly-people-rights

Don't forget military service. Time to bring back War Elephants--they deal Trample damage!

Also known as registering for the Selective Stampede System.

Pikemen deal +47 more damage to them, Halberdiers deal +60 more!

> There's no other kinds of not-exactly-people-rights

There are rights without requirements for people that can't function in society: babies, infants, mentally handicapped, elderly with alzheimers, etc.

They all have rights even though they can't fight for them themselves. Especially the right to not be imprisoned or killed by humans, which are the typical fundamental rights sought after for animals with high cognitive capabilities. It's not all or nothing.

Paying taxes, citizenship and ability to travel are one level of abstraction higher and has nothing to do with these fundamental rights. Similarly some other rights like the right to vote are not granted to all citizens.

I wonder if an elephant will ever have a human as an emotional support animal? I've heard that they can become very close with their mahout.

> Seems like a perfect fit for SAF.

Except SAF is slow as hell, working on multiple files means separate calls for every little thing like file size via java API. Means everything going to be VERY slow and drain battery a lot. I've seen test from 2019 where directory listing operation is 25-50 times slower in SAF


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