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> "If you're a security practitioner, teaching yourself how to hack is also part of the "Hacking is Cool" dumb idea."

lol'd at the irony of the fact that this was posted here, Hacker News...

At the risk of stating the obvious, the word "hacker" has (at least) two distinct meanings. The article talks about people who try to break into systems, and Hacker News is about people who like to hack away at their keyboard to program interesting things.

The world might have been a better place if we used the terms "cracker" and "tinkerer" instead.

Doubt it; it's utterly naive and wishful thinking to think that those two things are easily separable; it's never as simple as Good Guys wear White, Bad Guys wear Black, which is the level of intelligence this idea operates at.

It might be naive, but I'm not the only one in using this distinction. See the "Definitions" section of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hacker

Obligatory xkcd https://xkcd.com/927

Full circle of corporate facepalm

Came in to say this. Thanks. Looks interesting

I found me and my post there ! Nice

First time father here and curious about your comment.

Can you elaborate on what was are your grounds for labeling yourself as a bad father?

> Can you elaborate on what was are your grounds for labeling yourself as a bad father?

I mostly label myself a father. There would always have been bad parts but these stand out. They're bad fathering.

As far as grounds for my complaint, my children needed a steady diet of adult free hours. I mostly failed to recognize it, prioritize it and act accordingly.

I use minikube daily for local setup works perfect

Could you elaborate on how to do this?

This brings so much painful memories of an entire weekend I had to spend renewing cluster certificates one by one whilst being yelled at that we were not making any money.

Good thing our control planes are now managed. I learnt so much about kubeadm and the inner workings of k8s but I'm not sure I wanna go over it again

same here

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