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Hey Jason, cool to see you pop up here! Congrats on the launch, I'm happy to be able to join up as a new paid subscriber. Really glad y'all included RSS feeds for the articles and premium podcast feed; there are dozens of us who still use RSS - dozens! :P

I have a small suggestion: Would you consider adding a perk for premium subscribers to be able to suggest (not demand) story pitches/ideas, and maybe vote for them to indicate which ideas have more interest? It's kind of an extension of what you're planning to do with the FOIA requests forum, and similar to how some FOSS projects try to prioritize features that are requested or bountied by supporting donors. Also, it could be a nice way to crowdsource ideas from your pre-vetted audience, so you don't drown in spam and vote manipulation.

Jumping on to agree and add on to the parent suggestions by their list's numbers:

1) I agree the map takes up a lot screen space. Maybe do something like Yelp, where there are alternative views for map of events vs. events list.

2) In addition to allowing browsing specific events and groups.

5) Definitely agree with the current filters being confusing. Maybe a tagging system with a curated set of tags instead or in parallel to the categories might be better, to allow multiple tags per event. I also think having a very granular filtering system with a lot more filter options for things like number of attendees, number of shares, etc. could be important to users.

7) Agreed that making a recommendation system that's able to indicate popularity/importance/significance is a big, hard problem, but that it also could be a very attractive feature to users. Possibly you could have registered organizations "vote" to support other organization's events as one factor - it would help with spam and noise filtering.

Also, it would be good to have a policy statement about how you will handle controversy about events and organizations.

I really like the overall concept, and wish you luck!

Nice work! I tried to clone the project and run with Docker with the hope of contributing but I'm getting this error message on the "Introducing the Shell" page:

  The process died.
  Your code probably took too long.
  Maybe you have an infinite loop?
Do you have a chatroom or something where project devs can discuss work in realtime?


I'm thinking I should start a Slack. Any opinions on that?

In the meantime can you open an issue to talk about it?

I highly recommend Zulip. Free, open-source alt to Slack but with good threaded conversations: https://zulipchat.com

If you don't want to create a full chat I'm happy to host on a Zulip chat for hackers I'm part of, just let me know.

I'll open an issue, thanks!

Cool to see you show up to respond!

Regarding the bit about "subtly-not-quite-right things when lecturing": IMHO, it's too tall an order to ask professors to get everything in their lectures exactly right. It seems more reasonable to take a page from good journalists - get as much right as possible the first time around, acknowledge if you discover something was wrong, and provide corrections with context.

Ultimately, I think it's up to students to remember that everyone can be wrong, even professors, and to trust but verify. :)

Just wanted to say that the work you've done is really impressive and inspiring. As a contact lens wearer, I just learned about AK thanks to you. Good on you for taking the initiative to be a force for positive change.

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