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For the record: that is not true at all. It's s big scandal being swept under the rug by the government and their henchmen

It's blatantly racist. Just imagine the opposite and the resulting uproar

I would be wary of older literature. They're often full of classic polymorphism, something that modern c++ has largely moved away from.

If it's not weight, what's the common cause? Such a bad impediment on so many people should have a very clear signal. And apparently it's not weight? O never really looked into it

With obstructive apnea, it's mostly hereditary. You inherit the shape of nose from your parents, why not the structures in your airway? Weight gain can make it worse as those tissues also can expand, and any weight on your breathing can help turn a partial blockage into a full one. That weight can include muscle weight, and body builders often suffer from apnea.

But the thing to keep in mind is that obstructive sleep apnea isn't so much a condition as a description of what's happening. Apnea means you stop breathing, obstructive means something is blocking it. Maybe it's because your fat belly is weighing you down, maybe it's your tiny nostrils and deviated septum, or maybe the back of your tongue is thick because your dad also had a thick tongue.

That's not even including self-imposed factors like central nervous system depressants (alcohol) and smoking, both of which can make apnea worse. Ever notice how drunk people snore?

Beyond physical obstruction, sleep apnea can also be neurological which is the more annoying one since only air pressure seems to fix it. You simply stop breathing.

Obstructive apnea doesn't need to be caused by fat either. I always thought sleep apnea was a fat person's problem until I realized at age 30 that when I slept on my back, the tissue mass at the base of my tongue was dropping into my airway. And I'm fit/slim and also a nasal breather.

(I used to think I always woke up gasping for breath in my 20s because I had frequent nightmares. Ugh, wish I could go back and fix it sooner.)

One theory is poor facial structure that develops due to faulty breathing technique.

Reference https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4686746/

One theory blames "modern life" as a supporting factor, that since modern people eat more processed and softer food, that jaw muscles are out of proportion to the bone structure and this contributes to apnea, as well as tooth problems like impacted wisdom teeth.


It's not exactly common, but you can have central sleep apnoea instead of obstructive sleep apnoea. Essentially, rather than your airway being blocked, you just stop attempting to breath for a period of time. I was diagnosed with this a few years ago, and IIRC there are multiple possible causes of it.

The most common cause of sleep apnea is anything that obstructs your airways. Being overweight does that and is far and away the most common cause of sleep apnea.

This is such an often repeated trope, but it's not at all as clear cut as that. Sleep apnea *causes* weight gain, the arrow of causality can go both ways.

What in particular feature enables or facilitates dynamic music? Is that not just a different music file?

They provide the editing tools for a musician to build up the dynamic composition and state machine that drives it, plus the runtime component which executes all that inside the game.

It's basically a whole DAW specialized for games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A1HMOsD2eU

I see, thanks

Every couple of years I need pandoc for some project. And teach time I relearn the same idiosyncrasies. Some odd defaults, the sometimes annoying depths you have to do to customize HTML templates, the weird filter infrastructure. What a neat strange program it is.

I have this same issue, and the same with `jq` and `GNU Parallel`.

When you need them you need them, and nothing else quite works, but I have to re-learn them every time.

I outsource most of my esoteric `jq` syntax questions to ChatGPT. It does really well with them, usually turning up solutions that I'd struggle to munge together from several different google search results.

I wonder how ChatGPT would do with focussed pandoc requests.

I'm not allowed to use chatgippity at work, sadly. But Ive heard a lot of people mention this so I might try it at home and see what's what.

Same here! Haha.

Can you think of any command-line tool you might not use for 6 or 12mo but when you crack it open after a long time it is intuitive how to do what you need to?

I hypothesize muscle memory is required for efficiency at the command line.

> Can you think of any command-line tool you might not use for 6 or 12mo but when you crack it open after a long time it is intuitive how to do what you need to?

Most of them that I do use; sed, awk, even perl. I don't bust them out often, but when I do most of what I need is pretty "front of mind".

I'm not asserting it's necessarily a tool issue vs a "me" issue, but jq, parallel, and pandoc (although pandoc the least of these) just don't "click" with me, and even if I use them multiple times a month I have to go back to previous commands, --help, or man pages routinely.

Set a huge number for your shell history and dedup. You’ll effectively save every command you ever typed in chronological order. You can even append comments to the end of the command for your future self.

Then, fzf your history.

I do, and use fzf, and that helps, but with most tools I'm a bit OCD about understanding what I'm doing.

I also use Anki SRS flashcards and put a lot of tool usage exemplars in there; it not only helps me remember a bit of what I need to do, but if nothing else I remember THAT I put it there so I can use that to go look it up again. And this is coming from someone who grew up with and is comfortable with `--help` screens and man pages.

Which is actually quite a strong point for guis, amidst all their problems

Agreed, surely if there's one button in a GUI that will just do the thing you need (say, spitting out a PDF version of the document you're editing) but you'd otherwise need to recall multiple command-line programs, options, and/or arguments.

However, often I'll open up a GUI I haven't used in a while and feel like I'm just as lost as I am with a command-line tool I haven't used in a while. I rely on notes I've taken and try to stick with stable software.

The infamous court strikes yet again. They must get so much money

There was a time when that happened. But the left is highly organized. They take photographs of every participant, had a database to share those. They identified everyone they could and ratted them out to their employer. There were a few high profile cases of people losing their job as a consequence. Today its effectively impossible to share your conservative opinion in Germany.

Here we are again. If anyone as much as hints at politics from the "other side", their account is immediately nuked. But it's all good when you guys do it. 80 highly political comments, all good. But no, hn is not political. And if it is, it surely is neutral and rational... Sure.

And no, this were no protests against the "far right". It was an attempt to get the only opposition party in Germany banned, which is more than scary.

> And no, this were no protests against the "far right". It was an attempt to get the only opposition party in Germany banned, which is more than scary.

The protests certainly weren't that. At the one I was at, the speaker made it abundantly clear that the protest isn't even against the AfD in particular (tho you could see lots of signs against them), but for democratic values.

What should be noted is that both the protests and recent calls for a ban of the AfD were sparked by a report [1] of a meeting where some neonazis (including someone quite high up in the AfD) were literally making plans for how to force people with a migration background (including those with nationalities) to leave Germany.

[1]: https://correctiv.org/en/top-stories/2024/01/15/secret-plan-...

Force people who aren't allowed out of the country, exactly as the law says.

The protests in my and the surrounding cities were extremely focused on the afd. On the current push to ban it. And making highly illegal (and absurd) comparisons between the afd and Nazi Germany. Which just for foreigners reading is super illegal and if done by the other side is punished by incredibly high fines and regarded as one of the worst crimes our justice system knows.

AFD is not the only opposition party in Germany.

The opposition in the German Bundestag is quite large. Of a total 736 seats there are 319 opposition seats. 78 of those are occupied by AFD politicians. The largest oppostion party is in fact the CDU/CSU with 197 members.


Yet curiously, all those parties share the same politics in the relevant topics, and all work together to prevent the afd to take part in any (federal or local) government. Even where they have massive votes. That is not how the party system is supposed to work.

Outcry of an affected one? Democracy has the achilles heel of aborting itself, not only once that happened. That is why of course parties that want to keep that system need to fight parties that want to abolish it - and til there nothing is wrong in the party system, but it a starts when such a party comes to real constitution changing power.

Just for the books, neither the demos (nor myself) were directly for forbidding the AfD (sure, a lot of people are), because that is not the solution to the underlying problems.

But the exact opposite is happening. By sabotaging the popular vote via cross-party alliances, democracy is already effectively abandoned in Germany. And those who did it make up false statements of that very party being anti-democratic. It's frightening, it's scary. I'm very scared for the future

Not letting an extremist party with 20% or unfortunately even a tad more into power is not sabotaging the popular vote? Each party is free to form a coalition or not, by their conditions and principals. The party has clearly shown and expressed that its anti-democratic. I mean, come on, you know you are too much Nazi if even Le Pen doesn't want to continue coalition with you [1], lol. Funny btw also how the NSDAP cried ANTI-DEMOCRATIC before they did what they did.. rest is history.

Besides that, stop dreaming on, we have too many far rights, but the 20% you call popular vote is still at least half protest votes, barely supporting most points of that party, but so frustrated with the other politics.

[1]: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-25/france-s-...

The afd is not anti democratic. Otherwise they would be banned.

Even the parties in power hardly share the same politics on most topics.

I don't think that's true, at least if you look at the topics that Germans think are most important. Which are also the topics of the opposition. There we have statements of parties which are quite different. But effectively when they are part of the government, they all collapse to the same politics. In particular, the FDP and CDU are guilty of this. The others are completely interchangeable anyways.

HN doesn't nuke accounts. Also, who told you HN is not political or neutral? Did HN promise that at any point in time?

The guidelines (https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html), and also dang many many times.

> Off-Topic: Most stories about politic

> Please don't use Hacker News for political or ideological battle.

And hn absolutely nukes accounts

“Only opposition party” is a fundamentally fascist way of seeing things.

I genuinely can't follow that train of thought

I'm unreasonably upset by the use of pie charts by these very cherished devs.

Lol, my biggest gripe is that these recent posts are showing all these amazing things that we won't be able to enjoy for quite some time. It makes them harder to get excited about.

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