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Are you hiring? I'll take that bet, and I'm looking.

> I could just move to anywhere in the US tomorrow without issue.

As someone who did that, be careful. It's not all sunshine and puppies. Many employers promise they can support a move or it's fine but then when you update your address in the HR system it becomes a different story. I certainly wouldn't advise anyone move to a US territory if they think they can just move without issue, employers absolutely will not hire here (not even Gusto).

Well, maybe we'll get good recommendations on the type of glue to put in our pizza sauce with the new hard-hitting pieces sure to come out of WaPo.

I've been migrating away from google with their recent changes because it's gotten less and less useful in getting me the answers. DDG has done better, but it's not as good as Google used to be before it was taken over by MBAs.

DDG is Bing. Using DDG is supporting Microsoft. Even if Bing was better than Google I wouldn't do it on principle

Maybe you can try showing how LLMs score better than human intelligence and what metrics you're using to quantify that, and then refuting his arguments with research and supporting evidence. Right now your take looks like you're a shill hoping to cash in on this bubble before it pops.

After 4 years as an apprentice digging ditches by hand, if you got lucky enough to find a company that would hire someone fresh out of school (because none of them hire fresh off the street without some kind of related experience).

Lol if I had a job manually digging ditches id negotiate a per foot rate which would be far cheaper than my manual labor cost then finance a backhoe or trencher and make bank. Having digging jobs lined up is like a money printer win-win if the boss got that many.

Unless you're looking to be hired in the US and live in a US territory, in which case you'll be hard pressed to find any employer who will hire you.

Interesting, what makes you say that?

Personal experience trying to get hired as a US citizen in a US territory. Most companies simply reject without any sort of interview and when I ask (and get a reply) it's always because of location.

I set my Slack status to offline permanently, never allow it to show my presence. It's great.

I thought the crypto-bros were annoying but the generative LLM bubble is far, far worse for everyone.

All I got from that was some spam and "defi" recruiting for whatever Ponzi scheme the cryptocoin community is hot on right now.

Yeah I'm still getting spam from sketchy crypto orgs months after I put my email into a HN hiring thread once. Don't recommend.

Consider a "burner" email alias for such situations. Fastmail makes creating them easy enough.

Apple’s iCloud+ also includes “hide my email” which creates randomized addresses that forward to your main account.

I got my current job from it.

No idea which experience is more typical.

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