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In TFA, it's 3rd-party software.

>if the idea is to maximize the open space / city size while maintaining a fast transit system

Then it's Goodhart law in action. A fast transit system is desirable because it's a proxy for low-friction travel. This has the speed and the friction.

Terraria's dev being (temporarily) burnt by this was the catalyst for my de-googling. There are high-quality alternatives for everything.

There's a narrative around game budgets and timelines that seems to assume that they're increasing due to it being inherently more expensive to create them. The reality is that the technology has massively raised the potential output of a small team & that increasing budgets are an economic decision - selling a small game that takes players' attention away from your GaaS omnigame is inefficient. And you need to take it away from Fortnite while also competing with excellent games that are free.

>It also forces you to keep pivoting and finding a cash cow rather than assuming your initial plan was any good.

Formative experience: working at a startup, coming upon a fundamental technical problem that will prevent delivery of any of our revenue generating projects & realising that anyone who has spent a meaningful amount of time working on the software would notice the same problem. Noticing nobody else has brought it up.

I feel you. In a similar experience now.

Valuation (I’m told) depends on ARR. Company not really set up to generate meaningful ARR from its core business. I keep hearing “it will get better” but as far as I see, the problem is squarely at the top and some specific deputies. So, why do I keep hearing that?

It sounds like very poorly messaged religion some days.

Wow, quite a quandry. What did you do?

Super curious as well

It's not that exciting - I was already halfway out the door for unrelated reasons. It's a problem that almost any company in that space shares. It's made me put a strong premium on working for companies that sell a real product for real money, today.

For the latter, LSP support in neovim is primordial but exciting.

And it's still enough to include Jeanne Calment's supposed age.

I find the more recent ones more fun because a) it's a shifting target, so you can find something new and b) you get to make people feel old!

Let's see... the release of the film The Day After Tomorrow is closer to 'We begin bombing in five minutes' than it is to today.

What is 'We begin bombing in five minutes'?

Having gone from C to C++, there's a stark difference between the communities in what is considered 'readable' i.e. what the future reader is expected to grok.

In C-world, ternary-ifs are too spicy and C99 is newfangled. In C++ world, the only reason you'd be pushed away from template metaprogramming is because the standard you're using lets you do it with constexpr.

Rage where?

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