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I haven't seen any TV coverage of this at all.

Neither have I, but that’s because I don’t watch TV. At least 80% of people in the U.K. don’t watch tv news.

If this interests you I also recommend reading the New Yorker piece linked in the article - https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1998/06/01/the-man-in-the...

Two of Wigderson's major papers mentioned in the announcement are co-authored with Noam Nisan, one of the professors behind the well known on-line course 'From Nand to Tetris'.

Prof. Nissan is also remarkable due to having had first line achievements in CS Theory and then shifting to do major impact in the rather distinct field of algorithmic game theory. It's both heart warming that a single person living today could be as diverse, and that the system allowed him that flexibility.

There's a book, too!

Recently came out as a second edition.

What does you diet consist of?

In LTT's recent video reviewing the Vision Pro he predicts Apple is going to go to touchscreens on their laptops because users will be used to it coming from the headset.


How fast is it with a setup like this?

I haven't tried Grimoire yet but I've recently started using Shiori - https://github.com/go-shiori/shiori

A big plus is that is a single Golang binary so very easy to set up. It also has a browser extension.

Unfortunately, you can only import bookmarks from a Netscape HTML file once. There is no update.

That mens I cannot periodically import my Raindrop bookmarks to shiori. After I've done the import I can either add new bookmarks to both immediately and by hand. Or I do a total re-import in shiori, which re-archives everything (and if a page isn't retrievable anymore, that's bad luck).

It's VERY nice (and this is absolutely about to be a question in the form of a comment), the one thing that is perhaps a deal-killer for me that I'm actually unable to get a clear read on:

It appears to be impossible to have a "public" page? How it does everything else is perfect for my style, but I'd like to be able to share my link page to my students without login?

Nobody in the OCaml community commonly refers to them as Enum's today or any time recently (maybe they were at the time Rust was created though? IDK).

They're usually called 'variants'.

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