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Want to give any evidence of your Boogeyman Trudeau's efforts to punish the middle class?

Well, about a year ago he put a 2 year ban on foreigners purchasing homes. But his reason for doing this was housing market fluctuations due to COVID. Due to COVID?!

The housing market has gone to insane levels. Certainly it's not all due to foreign buyers, but why as a citizen would I want to compete on the global market for our homes? The answer is I never want to complete globally for something that should sell locally. But government never wants to stand in the way of inflows of foreign money.

Anyone I know with a home in Canada expresses the sentiment, 'thank god I got in when I did or I'd never own a home.'. And they're right, they shouldn't be, but they are.

I'm trying to parse your comment. You approve of what Trudeau did, but are complaining because he did it for the wrong reasons?

Old comment now but I'll reply anyway. I approve of what Trudeau did in that he temporarily stopped foreign buyers. But not only do I call bullshit on his reasoning I think foreign buyers of homes should never be allowed.

So ideally he shouldn't have to give this bullshit reason as they never should have been for sale on the global market in the first place.

That he would use this bullshit excuse tells me what type of person he is. But that's politicians.

Anyone with eyes can see adding more than a million people since COVID began without laying the groundwork in terms of residential capacity or healthcare capacity can see the impact. It’s kept wages suppressed, house and rent prices inflated, and family docs MIA.

An odd take considering that a large percentage of family doctors in Canada are immigrants.

I am not sure the relevance of your point. Are you suggesting that we have imported as many family docs as we have non-family docs on a per capita basis to keep the ratios the same? If not, what’s your point?

I'm saying we have imported far more family docs than needed to keep the ratios the same. That without immigration we'd have an even greater shortage of family docs than we do now.

Your solution to people messing up a McDonald's is to have them murdered by the government? Did I get that right?

The people in the McDonalds are the victims. The people that would be executed are the dealers getting people addicted for their own profit.

Dealers don't get people addicted

Do you honestly believe anything approaching a majority of drug addicts are addicted because dealers are handing out free drugs everywhere?

Exactly. If this was a common occurrence it wouldn't be newsworthy

I invite you to share your evidence that all private enterprises are strictly superior to any state owned enterprises, as that is clearly the stronger (and less likely to be valid) position.

So your faith in the competence of government oversight is what primarily prevents you from believing this piece of research is correct? That's an unusual stance for HN. :-) Both the companies and the government obviously have a financial/economic interest in not finding this out, if it's true. I find it pretty easy to believe, and I am a fairly pro-govt lefty type.

Even the government (federal) didn't trust these numbers. Provincial government is heavily biased towards supporting anything related to fossil fuels and their political leadership deny climate change as often as possible.

>Provincial government is heavily biased towards supporting anything related to fossil fuels and their political leadership deny climate change as often as possible.

Fighting against stupid climate change policies isn't "denying climate change". Policies like, I don't know, clamping down on our oil extraction and pipelines locally, and instead buying the resources from adversarial countries.

Are you able to point to legislation from the current Alberta government that does the following - one - accept that climate change is happening and worsening, and two - that the Alberta oil sands are making the problem worse?

>So your faith in the competence of government oversight is what primarily prevents you from believing this piece of research is correct? That's an unusual stance for HN. :-)

Yeah, it feels strange!

But the numbers are just too drastically different that it's impossible for me to reconcile.

Take it easy; dude is just sharing his own personal opinions on life. YMMV. No need to get all exercised about it.

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