It’s important to mention that SwiftUI is for some reason in a terrible state under macOS. You notice that mostly when you try cross platform apps such as IceCubes. iOS version works great but the Mac version has a terrible performance.
I don’t see an answer to the example. How can less restrict construction policy solve the problem that a minority is able to buy all real estates? Unequally is a problem as the word says since power is distributed unequally.
For the same reason that people can afford food even though a minority is able to buy all the food.Just because a minority can buy something doesn't mean they will. If it gets easy enough to build more housing then it won't make sense to buy houses as an investment; the threat of oversupply would be too great.
FWIW, unrelated to this topic, I think we should adopt Georgist tax policies. That has nothing to do with inequality and it would resolve the situation of wealthy people buying property neatly.
Thats a really bad comparison since food is a consumable and most time not a investment since its expires (with exceptions like whisky).
Housing is a good example since our planet has a natural limit which can't be worked around. Otherwise please tell me why Bill Gates owns about 270,000 acres of farmland. There is a famous quote about it. “Buy land—they aren’t making it anymore.”
If you got spare money you are pressured to invest it, since the inflation will reduce the value. But not everyone is able. Thats where your financial gains are coming through you investments. By people who are not able to invest themself and the cake is getting smaller every year.
To the contrary. Developing native apps is so painful that the average S&P500 company will treat it like a root canal. Given how meaningless native functionality is to them, they won't hesitate at the opportunity to serve you a shitty Electron app. Many of them are only successful because they didn't waste time writing native apps for each platform.
What helped me a lot was to regulate my caffeine intake. I consumed way to much, that it wasn’t helping me with my energy levels. Caffeine also takes about 8h until its gone from the body. So it effects your sleep quality as well. Now I usually drink one decaf coffee in the morning (decaf has only about 20% caffeine from normal coffee). When I need to focus on important tasks (like no meeting days or private projects) I drink a coffee and it helps me a lot.