Especially important for folks that spun up clusters with kubeadm, kops, and Kubespray. Please read and test. We’ve tried to give folks the tools and to make as easy to find. Policies and mutating webhooks too!
I think it depends where you are in your career. Is it worth it for you to shell out your money for a cert? Maybe. I know earlier in my career a Red Hat cert opened doors for me (but my employer paid for it to show team competencies). But, now it would be to prove a point or something like beta testing it.
Thank you both for the question and answer. I’ve been trying to figure out when I should be swapping disks in a RAID10 array. I’ll have to tinker with it to get it to work with my RAID controller (PERC H310) but this is exactly what I’m looking for.
A quick look says you'll likely need to install the perccli tool from Dell to get the disk info. I'm not going to read its manual, but I'd be surprised if it won't give you the smart data if you do the right incantations.