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My life got better when I switched from worrying if I was acting in a nonconformist way to worrying that I might be perceived as a conformist.

Why not just do what you think is best? Why do you care so much about conforming or not conforming?

It's good to have a balanced opinion about technology. You're not a luddite for thinking so. Think for yourself.

Edit: Thought you were the same person. Comment still applies regarding conformity.

So would they have been fine if they extracted MEV but didn't try to hide the income from the government? Seems like this is less about MEV and more about hiding their actions?

Does this do anything beyond an API call? ChatGPT is already pretty good at regexes.

Knee jerk reaction, see Brewster's reply:


That OP has every reason to be concerned if/when they lose this case. As mentioned, it opens the door to even more lawsuits (they're already fighting the record labels for instance) and I don't know if they can survive those.

It's best to take action now and backup what you want than waiting until it's too late.

The OP did post Brewster's response at the end of the post.

> it opens the door to even more lawsuits

At least on HN, the principle mode I see them in is paywall circumvention. That’s tangible revenue to news organisations. I love the Archive’s mission, but they go about it in a risky way.

That's not the Internet Archive (archive.org). The paywall circumvention links are at archive.is

i don't think you can say it's a kneejerk reaction. Brewster Khale's reply doesn't really address the concerns in the original post - if anything, it seems to validate those concerns. specifically:

"The Archive is an ongoing evolution towards "What is a Library in the 21st Century going to be?""

seems to confirm that the internet archive's primary goal is not the continued preservation of the archive.

That doesn't really confirm that, IMHO. The line before claims the opposite, in fact: "The Internet Archive has been around since 1996, and while that does not guarantee anything, it shows continuity of support and strong commitment to digital preservation with as much access as possible."

"stop relying ... SOLE ..."

I don't think the OP is wrong by advocating more copies, they're not telling anyone to not fill up the IA (from a quick skim).

"Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks"

Of course, it's not cheap.

The fact is that China is going to fill that cheap car gap and is going to lead to a furious response, but that won't include US carmakers actually competing, as Dan Gillmor says: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39736429

Yes, the Seagull is causing a bit of a flap in the US and Europe. And it's only the leader of the flock.

Yet another case of disruption from below.

Good point, also China is planning to fill in that void but it's guaranteed to face resistance: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39736429

Nice, a few years ago I tried making a game engine for maps made using Tiled that has a very similar look, slightly different controls though.


I don't believe that is as fixed as we think it is.

The desire for privacy is a reflection of a society failing to provide.

I wrote this about if the situation was reversed: https://gist.github.com/numtel/28ffb7181ad1a296a077db76c474b...

I like that term. I always called this "divide and conquer."

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