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I can relate.

This also made me think of this article Are you playing to win or playing to play (https://commoncog.com/playing-to-play-playing-to-win/) which is about doing things that aren't necessary to achieve the goal, but which you do to feel like you've done it right (as opposed to objectively doing it right).

An example from the article is someone who doesn't want to win at Street Fighter using throws, because they are seen as cheap: "Throwing violates the rules in their heads even though it doesn't violate any actual game rule"

Saving you potions feels like a rule derived from efficiency or frugality, trading off leveraging the resources you have.

Lots of mind traps here.

Yeah me and my friends had endless arguments about throws in SF2. Not just the throws but how they were done: jump with heavy kick timed to keep them blocked into a throw was cheap; walking quickly into them to throw wasn’t. Bizarre how complicated our notions of “fairness” can be.

We played that game (and its many sequels) to death…

I've used flying saucer pdf[1] for this in the past, but the missing piece always seems to be a descent WYSIWYG template editor. Either open source or paid.

Any suggestions on a web solution that allows non-devs to make great templates would be appreciated.

Historically I've built something simple with Tiny and added a preview button to render, but that super clunky.

[1] https://github.com/flyingsaucerproject/flyingsaucer

My firm is currently in the process of creating a similar product that features a sophisticated visual page editor. While it's not officially launched yet, the product is about 95% complete. At the moment, we are on the lookout for early adopters.

For those interested in giving it a try, please contact us at support at cx-reports dot com. We are providing complimentary licenses to users who are eager to collaborate with us during this phase.

Screenshot: https://pasteboard.co/th5f4s0uVWJH.png

Oh wow. I started Flying Saucer 20 years ago. I’m amazed it’s still in use.

It does the job very nicely, and I can easily embed on-the-fly generated images. Not sure there is a better option in the Java ecosystem.

Thanks for your long lived contribution.

These are some reflections on what different products we integrate with provide to users of their APIs. Definitely not meant to be a best practice guide, rather some food for thought if you're building or comparing competing APIs.

I've got a Dell 7490, which works great for development, and you can upgrade the SSD and RAM, but, suspend is unreliable.

TBH, the only issue I've had with any of my laptops in Linux (Dell and IBM/Lenovo) is suspend. Which actually makes me think power management in general might be busted.

I'd be interested to know if there is a methodical way to diagnose these issues? Every howto just seems to be a mishmash of kernel flags to try, which seems chaotic, and gets frustrating when the issue is intermittent.

This [1] is the OG guide to debugging suspend/hibernate issues. Arch Linux Forum [2] is also a good source for this. That said I've spent months debugging hibernate issues without success, it really is a crapshoot of driver support.

[1]: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/power/basic-pm-debugg...

[2]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Power_management/Suspend_an...

I'm still trying to understand how this works at a functional level.

I see you can find reviews via ActivePub services, like Mastodon, but you can only post from BookWyrm instances? i.e., you can't have one federated social identity that can post reviews and post other fediverse content?

No. Unfortunately, the fediverse has kind of given up on the idea of a single identity using a variety of services. Every new ActivityPub services wants to own the user account and the interactions are one way or extremely limited (likes/reposts).

You're correct that each server has separate accounts, and you can't log in to, for example, but mastodon and bookwyrm and pleroma using the same account. You can do more than just like or repost though - a bookwyrm user and a mastodon user can do a variety of things like follow on another, send DMs, and reply to each other's posts.

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