Hi! It's Exactly like that. Also i don't think this is similar with Raycast. It maybe has similarity in term of shortcut and multiple files opener but i don't think Reycast can handle AutoHotkey task such as auto clicker and screen clicker. Also, KeyTik can assign key on specific device using PID & VID or handle, so i think this is also the difference. I am not very familiar wit Reycast so i can be wrong and it looks like Reycast also want to launch on windows.
Main learning is to transition form 0-1 manual, rapid iteration to one to many, repeatable processes.
When you are still figuring our your product market fit and gtm motion, you can go deep on experimentation, knowing that you aren't being the most efficient. Your challenge is to solve a problem, not operationalize it. But when you start scaling inefficiencies cost dearly.
New benchmark study! We ran the TPC-DI benchmark across 3 popular Databricks compute platforms to find out what's cheapest and fastest!
Findings include:
DBSQL was consistently 2x cheaper than jobs serverless
Optimized classic was up to 5x cheaper than jobs serverless
Optimized classic was up to 2.5x cheaper than DBSQL serverless
Identify 2-3 core questions you’re looking to get answers for and rephrase them a couple times. You’d be surprised how many times the answer changes based on how you ask the question