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- Space pirates?? - You know, pirates! but in space!!

does this mean we could buy an ebook on Kindle and listen to it on Audible?

Would be interesting to compare Remix.run in the mix? Feels like an interesting in-between NextJS and SvelteKit.

Remix introduced me to data loaders and actions. when I used SvelteKit, the transition was easier.

Next.js doesn't offer an ideal solution to the problem of data loading back then despite being a meta framework. that's why we have apps that use useEffect to fetch data.

Solid.js is just perfect in every way. Docs (or navigating them) could be better though.

(just sharing my experience out loud)

You mean react-router right?

No, I think he meant the one taking the nap.

I'm all for Apple opening up to other browser engines on iOS but at the same time I'm worrying that this is gonna end up in furthering Chrome as "the web" over time.

Especially considering iOS is far from having majority marketshare in EU compared to Android... this feels like forcing a minor player (iOS in EU) to help a major player (Chrome).

This disables JIT for JSC (JavaScriptCore) system-wide. Third party apps never had been able to JIT on iOS, no permission to write executable pages.

Isn't it possible to used JIT for JSC in WebView?

WKWebView and SafariViewController do, but they run the browser engine and JIT in another process so that the app still doesn’t have the ability to execute unsigned pages.

Interesting! How are unsigned pages determined this case?

How about disabling notifications or even uninstalling apps that you feel abuse their notification powers?

An airline do that kind of crap, let them know and book another airline next time.

They all do the same kind of crap? Well, the apps are not required to ever fly, at least not yet.

I’m not sure why this has to be a govern me harder kind of thing…

Well, I can’t. The “free” market does not have that flexibility and for minor airports i have to fly to to visit my family there is only one airline I can book. That said, ALL airlines do that because they can’t avoid leveling up with their competitors marketing so the choice you mention doesn’t actually exist. Considering that our consumer behavior can actually steer decisions in a corporation is a rather naïve take on the problem…

Interesting idea.

Do you intend to compress the vector storage in any way and do you intend to implement your own vector search algorithms or reuse some already optimized libraries like usearch?

I don't have plans for compressed vector storage. There is support for int8/binary quantization, which can reduce the size of stored vectors drastically, but impacts performance quite a lot. I'd like to support something like product quantization[0] in the future, though!

No plans for using usearch or another vector search library, either. I want to keep dependencies low to make compilingeasy, and I want full control for how vectors are stored on-disk and in-memory.

[0] https://www.pinecone.io/learn/series/faiss/product-quantizat...

More like 24/5, open 24 hours on weekdays only.

This is mindblowing. Perhaps the most elegant RPC system I’ve seen.

It's surprisingly reminiscent of Comlink[0], the Google Chrome team's library for orchestrating and messaging web workers.

[0]: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/comlink

Anyone using Freeform (the recently added iOS/macOS app) similarly?

It feels to me like it can be a powerful yet simple productivity helper.

I like it! Kind of an infinite canvas app. I had a board with boxes for upcoming meetings, notes from calls, useful links, screenshots of things I was thinking about, etc. A really good system actually.

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