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The translating part is by far the hardest. But there are services to organize a crowd sourced translations of your app / service.

Booth android and iOS app building frameworks will try to force you into using variables for every rendered string (allowing you to change them easily and in one place - f.ex. based on user / device settings).

Check out https://viz.greynoise.io/ especially the trends > anomalies tab is very interesting

How do you use that information?

Try running some of your blocked ips through greynoise, they usually have some interesting information about them

Thanks for the tip. Looks like greynoise use ipinfo.io for IP metadata.

I use https://www.abuseipdb.com/ for any manual IP address checks, and https://hackertarget.com/as-ip-lookup/ for finding what ASN an IP address (range) is a member of. I'll check out greynoise and see what extra info may be provided.

I (DevRel of IPinfo) run Fail2Ban on a VM as well. Protip use the CLI.

- The CLI has the `grepip` command that extracts all the IP addresses from a text. You do not have to parse your logs.

- Analyze your data. After you have extracted your IP addresses from your logs, pipe them to the `summarize`, `map`, and `bulk` commands on the CLI.

- If you are doing bulk enrichment with the `bulk` command, you can use some kind of CSV query tool like CSVtoolkit, DuckDB, or Python-Pandas.

- Look into the ASN data. ASN data is always going to be the more interesting IP metadata for honeypots IPs. Summarize the IP addresses with the `summarize` command; it will give you a high-level report. If you want a web-shareable report, make a POST call to that endpoint. Docs: https://ipinfo.io/tools/summarize-ips


You can always send your logs to me and ask what I think of them, and if I can find common patterns based on IP metadata. I am running our API and database services 24/7 and enjoy looking at logs. I can suggest firewall configurations based on country and ASN information provided by our free data.

Honestly if you use obsidian a lot consider paying for sync. It has some nice options, especially if you're also using the mobile app.

I use git to sync across my computers. What does sync provide as true advantage? I am considering but haven't decided.

Automatic notification. You don't need to push/pull. With the usual sync service or the livesync plugin, you can have the document open in two places and see it get updated immediately.

Imagine having to interact with this thing in an environment where it is in the power position.

Being in a prison with this voice as your guard seems like a horrible way to lose your sanity. This aggressive friendlyness combined with no real emotions seems like a very easy way to break people.

There are these stories about nazis working at concentration camps, having to drink an insane amount of alcohol to keep themselves going (not trying to excuse their actions). This thing would just do it, while being friendly at the same time. This amount of hopeless someone would experience if they happen to be in custody of a system like this is truly horrific.

Why would the cutoff be at building self replicating probes and not before that?

Because self replicating problems should have some sort of exponential growth curve, and with the age of the universe should have fairly predictable time before full coverage.

Other things wouldn’t.

I can’t tell what to make of that. It looks normal northern to me but people are saying it’s going to be visible in Alabama tonight.

Saw it in N Texas between dark +15minutes and about 2:30 this morning. Really nice. I've waited since 2003 to see another from my front yard. I caught the big ones during that last solar max including the X27 flare auroras. This show came from a merging of several X-class flares in quick succession. There was an X5.7 today that may also give us a show in 2-3 days depending on whether it had an earth-directed component.

spaceweather.com spaceweatherlive.com

other links in related posts also have additional sites to track things like this. Good luck.

I think it makes sense, since it's an assumption that the attacker is a male. In security it should be a focus to be as precise as possible and not to introduce assumptions which might cloud your ability to judge other details.

> The term man (from Proto-Germanic *mann- "person") and words derived from it can designate any or even all of the human race regardless of their sex or age. In traditional usage, man (without an article) itself refers to the species or to humanity (mankind) as a whole.


Of course, the meaning of words change over time. But also, the meaning of words in a compound expression can be different from the meaning of the word on its own.

(See also how a pickpocket is not a type of pocked, nor is a cutthroat a kind of throat.)

> since it's an assumption that the attacker is a male

It most certainly is not.

I could talk about linguistics but instead I'll just point out that the default attacker is a woman named Eve.

I find the "precise" language excuse insulting.

The purpose of these forced changes is an American understanding of DEI, pretending it's not about that feels like a lie, and being told a transparent lie feels insulting to me because it suggests the person telling the lie considers me dumb enough to not see through it.

In reality, it is probably 100x more likely to be a man performing a MITM than a woman.

Our nascent AI overlord wants a word with you. The assumption that the attacker was a person was deemed culturally insensitive.

Well the attacker might very well not be a man. Besides the inclusivity thing it would be helpful not to jump to conclusions regarding any detail of the attacker if you try to investigate an attack.

You know what's funny? I'm always just barely interested in changes like this (git "master" to "main" f.ex.) and I would probably simply not care enough to rename my repos to main.

Then I read something like your comment and think to myself, that I really don't want to support your side of this argument and I start using whatever "newspeak" someone made up.

Do you genuinely think investigators would assume that they are dealing with a man based on that term? Hyphens included even? At that rate the attacker might as well just state he ( or she ;) didn't do it and we can just close the case right away.

Ah nice, good work :) I might steal some design ideas for my own project haha https://github.com/nilsherzig/LLocalSearch

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