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I'm in New Mexico too, there's some creeks I frequent that are considered "navigable waterways" and unless it's monsoon season, you barely get your ankles wet lol.

By the legal standards that I understand to apply, “navigable waterway” is any waterway that is, or could be made, navigable. So it doesn’t take much.

At my offgrid cabin I converted a $300 chest freezer to a fridge by using an external thermostat that toggles power off/on based on temp. I have it turn on at 37 degrees and turn off at 35. It uses such little power that it's not even a factor for my small solar setup.

Chest freezers are great because they dont have a front-facing door which lets all the cold fall right out.

Indeed. Not as easy to organize as one with a front facing door, but we keep stuff organized in milk crates and it's worked great for our family for many years now.

So many participles at play here

Cool to see another New Mexican on here!

Cool, where are you from in NM?

I'm in the abq area

Back in the 90s I spent a lot of time on EFnet. What's the go to network these days?

As an EFnet admin: EFnet ;-) IRCnet is still around too with some very active chat channels (e.g. #worldchat). The networks are much smaller nowadays though.

nice, now I want to connect and check out the old channels I used to hang out in!

libera.chat is quite lively. IRCnet, efnet, quakenet, etc. are still there but maybe not as active as in the past.

I went from DALnet to EFnet / Undernet. They're still near the top of Netsplit's list of Top 100 IRC Networks https://netsplit.de/networks/top100.php

EsperNet is on the list too. I remember spending a lot of time on there way back when.

Want to talk about a FLOSS project? Libera.Chat, OFTC, GIMPNet.

Want to just chat? Snoonet, Slashnet, Quakenet.

Want to just chat but want it to be technology focused? Darkscience, 2600net.

This is a shortlist of public networks I can recommend to a new/returning user; there are many smaller networks out there that you might discover organically with time.

awesome, thanks for that info!

Rizon. It isn’t quite as active, but there are a few good chans to chill in.

  [0] Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems.
I love regular expressions and figuring out the syntax to solve problems I encounter where I can use regex. Such as searching code for calls with specific named params that may be in different order across the code base. But I always have this quote in the back of my mind if I'm thinking about using regex in code, especially areas that get hit a lot.

[0] https://blog.codinghorror.com/regular-expressions-now-you-ha...

It's really subject-specific. What I usually see is a small problem easily solved by Regex, that a few months later down the line we need to expand the regex a little bit, but that's ok it's still readable... repeat this a bunch of times and now you have a critical regex line that nobody really understands how it works and nobody ever wants to touch without it being unit-tested to death.

It's just a riff on tech-debt, imho

We need a natural-language <-> regex translator

I am a huge, huge fan of https://regexper.com/ - paste pretty much any regex, and it will generate a visualization of what it does. It's been invaluable even just as a sanity check, it just makes it so easy to trace the flow of what a pattern is doing.

Back when I used Windows, I had an app called Regex Buddy and you could paste in any regex and it would generate a comment block that broke down what was going on. Was super useful when you come back a few months later and need to understand a complex regex

I once asked my friend: "Is there anything Regex can't do?" He replied: "Work the first time?"

And that's how I always think of Regex now. It's an incredibly powerful tool that I pull out pretty often, but if I'm doing anything beyond the most basic pattern matching I know I'm about to lose a bit of time questioning my abilities and sanity.

An amazing power trio band

They were, as far as I know, the first band to combine blues rock guitar with a funk rhythm section. An innovative and intoxicating mix.

Old enough to remember them blaring out of every car's 8-track player at the beach.

Is THAT what was going on? You know the controversy about the "Tejas" album? It was released in 1976 on record with a human drummer. But at some point they replaced the drum track with a much more aggressive synth drum track and that's all that's been available unless you have the original vinyl.

I wonder if they were trying to retcon their style?

Right?! Crazy that they are a three piece!

wow, that story is very interesting too!

Mosh is awesome! I use it all the time to connect to servers over a slow and high latency satellite link. Highly recommend it for high latency connections.

I have the same issue with my ears in cold weather. They start to hurt pretty quick in cold temps, so I try to always either have some small wrap around ear muffs or a beanie. As long as I keep my ears warm and out of cold wind, I'm able to stay comfortable.

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