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Seems to assume a lot from https://www.kalzumeus.com/2010/06/17/falsehoods-programmers-... unfortunately. It's probably a good idea to flag it as language-specific.

The book 'first migrants', which I recommend, covers this topic in detail offering several hypotheses. In particular, the founder myth ran and runs strong in our (H. Sapiens) blood.

First migrants by Peter Bellwood

I'm like this, and many I know. I suspect the actual memorising comes when writing, creating the muscle memory. If not written, I can't ensure I'll remember.

Just a note on the author's comment under Goya's painting. She advances that "unlike painting", in physics beauty can only be appreciated by those who understand their meaning. I disagree there's a difference in these disciplines, case in point, I knew Goya's painting long before becoming interested in grecoroman mythology, and I plainly didn't like it. Today I can appreciate the brutal tone of the painting knowing the story behind, and that has turned my view of the opus.

Another shocking example is El Expolio by El Greco, shocking technique but doubtful setting... until the author's intention is explained (or understood without further word), at that point it just becomes beautiful.

And in the same way that it's not necessary to know the story behind in art (you could like a painting for technique, looks alone), a layperson could like a mathematical formula for purely aesthetic reasons.

So all in all, I don't think mathematics and physics stand out in this regard.

The left wheel rotates at fixed speed, it's the source of the movement (connected to the source of power). The right wheel rotates according to the relative radii between them, the constant speed of the left wheel dictating its speed.

¿En un lugar de la Mancha...?

> Enron

"Quien se quemó con leche, ve una vaca y llora."

It can seem weird to have an excess of power availability, but it's a consequence of electric power not being easily stored -- electricity is just a good energy _transmission_ system. While using electrostatics (batteries) is possible for storing very small amonts of energy, when you think at a state or country scale, it's just too much to store.

This means excess energy must be either immediately consumed, or transformed in order to store it. The most common storage system would be gravity -- build a pump right besides your dam, and pump water upstream so you can use it later when power is not readily available. There are already some reservoirs using this -- at least one in Wales and I've recently read they'd like to build one in Hoover Dam. It's not simple though, because usually water is left to fall yet another bit right after the dam, so a second reservoir right below the dam would be needed.

So, what does a negative price mean. As the article puts it, its a signal from the grid that it has no use for your energy, _right now_, as there's an excess of generation. But if untapped, wind and solar will be just lost, so why not offer it to the users.

As renewables continue to grow, probably more storages will get built that can buy that excess and this anomaly will cease.

To save you the Google tour:

> Quien se quemó con leche, ve una vaca y llora.

This appears to be a saying that corresponds to the English saying "A burnt child dreads the fire."

But the literal translation is "That who has been burn with milk, watches a cow and cries". Much funnier

False dilemma is related.

It is. It allows to search for function declarations with the regex '^[^( ]+[(]' (or similar) -- while more common in the past, many have adopted it and keep using it.

Personally I've come to find it nice to read, particularly when you're returning complex, long types.

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