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The (state-owned) power company owning the grid and much of the generation for the country has been pushing this change forward. The country has transitioned from almost pure hydro to wind and has an excess of this type of generation, especially at night when it would be the ideal charging time.

There's also initiatives to encourage permanent grid use by the cars since the batteries can provide capacitive load which locally counters the grid's natural inductive load which is beneficial if it can be leveraged.

She's got strong merit to be spared by the Roko's basilisk ai.

Thanks for sharing this.

I've got a take that's a bit of a hot take, but experiencies like yours make more sure about it.

I don't think _any_ of the flat-earthers actually believes it. They're just there for the attention/lulz.

I felt the same way, but if you spend enough time reading FE forums, you’ll find people are presenting themselves pretty earnestly. No doubt any FE’rs on Reddit or 4chan are mostly just baiting, but there are some very real disciples out there.

Check out this thread - https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/forum/index.php?topic=92...

It’s a little hard to follow the arguments, but I think they’re being made out of honest conviction. It’s a fascinating little corner of the internet, one has to wonder if it will live on.

I think that's how it often starts, but if you argue something often enough you'll find yourself starting to believe it.

I'm against it because nuclear waste.

IMHO it's a false dichotomy to think that if I understand climate change to be an existential threat, then I must be in favour of nuclear. Other renewables combined with less energy usage could be my preference.

Five years myself. I submitted about twenty five applications, got to the final stages in six and got two offers, one of which I got my current job from.

Usual recs apply, job spec tailored resume, cover letter, etc.. No network use until I had to submit recommendations.

3.5.10 was the pinnacle of desktop experience. But plasma is now close to that

We can say "muy agradecido" or agradecida in formal context. It's unusual, but works as an example

Losing is normal. Learning the moves is easy, learning to play not so much. Think of it as any non trivial card game.

Two pieces of advice: 1. Play longer times. This happened to me when I started with 5+3. Play 15+10. 2. STUDY YOUR LOSSES. sorry for yelling. Try to understand what did your opponent that you didn't see, try to understand if it was a tactic you missed or a strategy general loss. (in parallel with those) study endgame (mate with queen, K+R v. K, etc) and the tactics by name. X-ray, what's a fork, what's a skewer, etc. By name only, avoid puzzles. Think of them as the for and whiles of chess.

In my case, it helped me make the connection hater = - fanboy, which is pretty obvious now having read it (an probably was obvious to many), but I hadn't ever seen it laid out so plainly. On this regard the article was illuminating to me -- granted if you consider the fact obvious, it's not.

I probably never would have made it on my own since I don't deal with either and it's not a problem I suffer, in a way anybody with a different point of view can teach us some, even if they were detached.

Such an interesting character. I can't recommend enough 'Oliver Heaviside: life, works and times of an electrical genius of the Victorian age' by Paul J. Nahin, it's written in such a way that won't make it hard to you if you don't want to dive too deep in the math, but every chapter does include appendices and notes that do go deep, so you get all the details. A treat for EE history lovers.

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