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random sampling is an effective method for inferring the same information about the larger population that is being measured in the smaller sample, to a certain degree of confidence based on the sample size and known distribution of what is being measured. These concepts are fundamental to statistics.

They should cover everything one needs to know to be a fully independent adult, such as:

- personal and family finance

- woodworking (cabinetry, furniture, carpentry)

- nutrition and food preparation

For the course title, they should name it “personal economics”, or perhaps “home economics”

DNS solved vanity memorable URLs, and continues to do so if someone is not looking for a .com

URL shorteners offering vanity urls solved people not needing to deal with the hassle of purchasing a vanity domain via a registrar, setting up DNS records, and waiting for propagation.

Are you suggesting that instead of short.com/foo you register foo.mydomain.com and setup a reverse proxy to redirect? Isnt that just a url shortener with more steps? Why wouldn't I just setup my own shortener service instead and send a `POST` request when I want a new url?

> Isnt that just a url shortener with more steps?

URL shorteners came later, and solved the problem of people needing to deal with “more steps” in order to have short memorable urls. Achieving memorable urls in “less steps” is one of the major selling points of url shorteners.

However, url shorteners did not solve short memorable urls — DNS had already solved that. But, as you’ve pointed out, acquiring a domain and setting up DNS records takes more work than simply using a url shortener service.

your local news. Like local elections, the stories covered by local journalists are more likely to make an impact in your daily life. And they’d certainly value (and even need) your support more than the NYT would.

> Regardless of what they are working on, if it doesn't exist, the value of it is presently zero.

That’s not true. Do you know how many multi-million-dollar companies have nothing more than an idea on a paper napkin that they managed to sell to investors? You didn’t even bring up the matter of whether they have investors who have placed a valuation on their business. Or even if they have paid into their own business’ equity, which is then of monetary value.

In fact a business’ monetary valuation has nothing to do with whether it has a product. Some high-value businesses have zero products. If we’re speaking valuation, what matters is the value of the assets they have listed under the business, their liabilities, their owner’s equity, etc.

I'd love to hear your long list of reasons why. This is coming from someone who has heard of Tik Tok but has never used it. I'm a late adopter to social platforms, joining Twitter in 2014 and not really using it until last year.

OK, I have responded to many people in this thread.

The TL;DR is that TikTok connects people who are facing the same struggles, which really helps with dealing with them.

> Imagine if someone could white out a section of a book and apply the changes instantaneously to every printed copy of that book in existence.

Considering a fifteen year old YouTube video can resurface and the millions of votes can change the vote-ratio, digital media isn't necessarily the same as a permanent historical record.

Re: Github Pages

- I've got several sites on gh-pages with custom domains and pay exactly $0

- I don't use Jekyll, I literally just `git push` a static repo

agreed. on it =)

It’s kind of like the exposure on a photograph where there are some extremely bright spots, as bright as the sun. If you set the exposure to not clip those bright spots, you won’t be able to see the rest of the photo. Due to not being able to find a scale that faithfully reproduced the entire dynamic range (without visually equating population mountains to population plains), some clipping had to occur; a compromise. We could clip the few outliers using a standard statistical convention and retain the highs, mids, and lows that make up the rest of the image, or keep the statistical outliers and end up clipping pretty much everything else as a result. I included both renditions.

You’re correct that I didn’t say the overexposed graph is misleading. Neither graph is wrong, they both tell truths.

An article could probably be written about the one you’re inquiring about, that discusses how Los Angeles County, Cook County, and ~eight other counties are unlike any other county in the US in terms of population. Completely in a league of their own. As distant as they are, they may be more alike with each other than the counties surrounding them.

But there is also a lot of information to be gleaned from the photograph with the upper fence that leaves the non-outliers within gamut.

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