1: Actually, that's not true! I use Leptos in their "islands" mode for server side rendering. The entire page is sent as an HTML response, and there is little/no "hydration". The WASM file ONLY includes interactive "islands" that are explicitly marked with the #[island] attribute [0]. In other words, the server binary is handling most of the rendering, similar to if I used a templating tool like Askama or Tera.
2: Leptos is generally slower than vanilla JS, I believe for that reason, but comparable to major JS frameworks [1, 2].
This is actually one of the dumbest stunts I'd ever seen. InfoWars is nothing without Alex Jones. They've wasted all their money since Alex will start a new project and his viewership will move.
First of all, a judge just overturned this thing, so I hope you're still laughing.
Secondly, if they really paid money for this, they're idiots because InfoWars is meaningless without Alex. He will just start "The Alex Jones Network" and recapture his audience.
All that said, I see that I got downvoted by woke idiots even though I don't even watch Alex Jones.
It has been paused based on normal steps in bankruptcy proceedings[0].
> A court hearing is typically held after a bankruptcy auction to finalize the winning bids and sales, and to hear any objections, so the process in Jones's case hasn't strayed far from the usual — yet.
You seem to think that I care about the audience. It's funny because it's a puppeteer piloting the shambling corpse of Jones's products around to mock him. A constant reminder of his failure he'll see every day.
I don’t understand what you think they want out of this. They don’t want to keep infowars the way it was, nor are they trying to make money off of it. Do you think their goal was to buy it, keep it running without any changes, and keep extracting money from its previous audience?
A group of political scientists published this piece back in October, before the election. They predicted every state correctly, a popular vote victory for Trump, and 3/4 chance of Trump victory in Electoral College.
The same people, using the same model, predicted a Biden victory in 2020 and 49/50 states correctly (they missed Georgia, which they predicted for Trump back then).
Their model uses the following fundamentals, for each state:
1. State deviation from national vote in t-1 election
2. Presidential approval rating in each state (estimated with Multilevel Regression and Post-stratification)
3. Economic conditions in each state (personal income deflated by CPI, unemployment rate, non-farm payroll employment, manufacturing hours by production workers)
4. Presidential and VP home-field advantage adjustments if they apply in the state
5. If VP runs, an adjustment to account for difference in approval rating between P and VP in question
1. In case dmarc is not passed you get extra red banner with warning to forwarded email
2. Yes you get special email to reply-to field that allows sending from alias, but you have to make sure you remove included banner containing alias deactivation URL from quoted part of reply. You can disable this header but in my case I needed to reply only few times
1. The browser needs to load the whole app before anything else could be done resulting in a slow first load.
2. WASM -> DOM manipulation is slow.