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What is an acceptable signal to noise ratio for a security tool to be useful? clearly some amount of false positives to any real threat ratio causes people to just ignore it completely. Cue me looking at my npm vulnerabilities with I install packages lol.

We’re not talking about thermal noise here. Each and every signal has a determinate source. You need to go through each and every one, but doing this effectively often involves paying lots of money to “some nerds” (rather than your own in house supplicants) and that’s where this kind of thing usually falls down.

Most of my workin pandas is with small to medium size < 1g tables what constraints do you run into with the larger data sets you are talking about?

Not to mention the Merck therapeutic that just got emergency use auth that study was done on < 1000 people I think lol

Unless they accidentally hit a vein and inject the vaccine directly into the bloodstream, anecdotal evidence[0] points to this for young men who get myocarditis. They often report tasting saline in their mouth shortly after the injection.

[0] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7inaTiDKaU

The age and sex disparity in post-vac myocarditis would seem to disqualify that hypothesis. It's not like young men have veins in their deltoids where other demographics don't.

Tasting saline after an IV injection in nonsensical.



EDIT: Young people, specifically men are also more likely to get myocarditis in the general population irregardless

What makes you think the percentage of inter-vascular injections causing myocarditis should be distributed evenly across a population?

What would be the mechanism leading to tasting saline in the mouth?

Metallic taste - adjuvant? (just a guess...)

Mapbox is the probably the best GL based mapping client but it is no longer free on the latest version. Although, its not designed to work with PostGIS explicitly you definitely can. (i.e. querying mvts, map tiles, through PostGIS)

Leaflet as others have said is another good option, but is really made for old slipply map tiles.

Most of the ESRI based web clients I think look and feel terrible IMO. Rendering just looks off. What features are you looking for in a mapping client?

Esri's JavaScript API 3 has poor performance, but I've been very happy with version 4.

Research Chemicals... sometimes called analogs

M1 8gb Macbook Air here:

Percentage Used: 0%

Data Units Read: 28,383,716 [14.5 TB]

Data Units Written: 26,487,969 [13.5 TB]

Host Read Commands: 137,200,722

Host Write Commands: 155,386,158

VSCode, compiling, generally programming work load, with heavy multi tasking. I would say ~1 month old.

LOL haven't you guys had enough legal trouble with Mapbox already ;)

In all seriousness I completely agree as someone in the mapping community this seems like a logical home. You have my vote!

This money isn't going to facebook though? Facebook doesn't even take a cut of it. I imagine fb's intentions were to let the customer know that if 30% of the effective donation/payment had not gone to the recipient it wasn't fb taking a cut.

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