- Age, gender, sexual orientation etc apply to all human beings. But caste is applicable only to people from the Indian Subcontinent, and even though Indian Muslims, Christians and Sikhs all practice caste it was presented as though it was only applicable to Hindus. So this was seen as a bill that was specifically targeted at Hindus.
- The senator who presented the bill is a first generation Afghan muslim. This adds to the suspicion among Hindus that this is a Hindu-phobic action. It is kind of like a Palestinian senator pushing a bill to protect Sephardi and Misrahi jews from discrimination by Ashkenazi jews in Californian workplaces.
- The bill was based on a questionable survey by Equality labs - this survey has been challenged as unscientific and biased. For e.g. see [1] Anatomy of a Dishonest survey.
I have found practical.li [1] to be an excellent source of information.
In particular cloning their clojure-deps-edn [2] as my ~/.clojure folder gives me ready made aliases for different kinds of repls, tools like reveal etc.
This, plus polylith [3] architecture has finally allowed me to start working in clojure and not get lost in configuration confusion.
I had to disable Copilot for Clojure because of this. Structural editing relies on parens being always balanced, and gets confused when Copilot re-inserts already existing closing parens.
I was lost when I moved to deps from lein, but just forking and cloning https://github.com/practicalli/clojure-deps-edn as $HOME/.clojure solved the problem - this base deps.edn contained all the aliases I needed - creating a new project, searching and adding dependencies, hooking up data inspectors like portal or reveal, testing, code coverage, benchmarking, building uberjar etc. Moving to deps also introduced me to polylith [1], which has been very useful for building large multi-component projects
Lack of air superiority for the eagles until the ring was destroyed and the Nazgul along it. If Frodo had tried to fly on one of the eagles, they would have been shot with "black darts" by the Nazgul, mounted on their flying "fell beasts".
The idea that the Inuit had low cardiovascular disease on a high meat, high fat diet looks to be unfounded, and based on unreliable mortality data [2]. Several Inuit bodies mummified in ice from centuries years ago have been autopsied and found to have evidence of atherosclerosis
That person seemingly turned his health around from 456 lbs to 180 lbs. But he died at age 50. I am scared of fasting because I dont think there are enough studies on humans to understand the long term effects like gallstones and lean tissue loss, especially heart muscle.
- The senator who presented the bill is a first generation Afghan muslim. This adds to the suspicion among Hindus that this is a Hindu-phobic action. It is kind of like a Palestinian senator pushing a bill to protect Sephardi and Misrahi jews from discrimination by Ashkenazi jews in Californian workplaces.
- The bill was based on a questionable survey by Equality labs - this survey has been challenged as unscientific and biased. For e.g. see [1] Anatomy of a Dishonest survey.
[1] https://medium.com/@rachelgotham5/equality-labs-caste-report...