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It's a pretty common recommendation to not leave the windows open like that :/. Poor thing.

maybe this helps:

"This is a minimal Emacs starter kit. Like, really minimal. Here's the short of the philosophy:

    Focus on using default, built-in Emacs behavior

    Yes, we all love our fancy third-party packages. This starter kit focuses on what is built-in to Emacs. Why? Because there are too many good packages and picking and choosing the best is a joy we leave to the user.

    Explain every customization and encourage modification

    The goal of this starter kit is to encourage end-user adaptation and growth. All of the .el files should be legible and, more importantly, justify in plain English the rationale for adding the configuration they do.

    No magic

    We keep things crushingly simple here. That means no fancy loadable modules or whatnot. Everything is as straight-forward as can be."

:) Hey! That’s my project! Let me know if you have any questions.

I came across this when setting up my new config, thanks for sharing!

szepanski reactivated the label some years ago. new releases can be found on bandcamp [1]. from 2014 onwards he also wrote several books on financial capital and marx based on laruelle, deleuze and lately especially baudrillard [2]. last year he published a "new theory of financial capital" [3], that also got published in china [4].

[1] https://forceincmilleplateaux.bandcamp.com/ [2] https://shop.laika-verlag.de/search?search=szepanksi [3] https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-93151-3 [4] https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/wg-EOZVGC2EpSZR7k_Eqbg

does anyone have info if this is fixed in ventura 13.6.1? https://support.apple.com/de-at/HT213985

I just installed 13.6.1 on an M1 MacBook Pro and am now facing the boot issue, so I'm guessing it's not fixed :). To make matters worse, the specific USB port required for the DFU revive fix is broken as well, which was never an issue as the other two worked... oof.

i remember vaguely that bettina heintz in her sociological study of the field of mathematics from 2000 noted the growing number of proofs that relied on computer programs as potentially problematic for the field.


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