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2/3 is close enough in ML world

generally they wait until something explodes or they cannot add any features to the unmaintainable mess and they have no choice :)

Yep, this is what my experience is. It could be a cost explosion too, like using expensive mainframes and migrating to something else before the MIPS cost explodes.

Did somebody successfully migrated from a mainframe? Asking for a friend.

Yes, I've heard of some systems successfully migrating from the mainframe at my company. It tends to be a painful process. There are still some apps that need to be migrated.

Everyone thinks they are google, if you are like 90% of tech companies and have a crud app, maybe a couple mobile apps and a few backend systems and admin tools, a radical idea is to involve your engineers in the interview design process and tailor your interview to the actual job they will actually be doing. Front end engineer and your stack is react? Pair with them on fixing a UI bug, backend engineer in rails, pair with them on a adding a basic endpoint. You get the point. If an engineer pairs for 30 min with someone I can pretty much guarantee they will have a strong sense of how they work and whether they know their stuff. I really don’t know why we treat this like it is some impossible task to determine if someone can do the job, just try doing the fucking job.

Most people doing the interviews are not qualified to do interviews. At least most of the time in my experience.

It doesn't help that so many companies think they have slick ways to root out better qualified people when most are just a waste of time.

That is hilarious

Is there a Spolsky article or is it this Jeff Atwood article?: https://blog.codinghorror.com/why-cant-programmers-program/

If it is this one, encountering at least one example of a coworker over 5+ years is pretty far away from the numbers implied. “ 199 out of 200 applicants for every programming job can't write code at all.” I am very skeptical of this.

Whoops yes, got them mixed up. Same sentiment, though.

Keep in mind your coworkers are the ones who passed the interview. How much hiring have you done? 199/200 of applicants not being able to code is probably an underestimate these days; now that it's so easy to apply for jobs with one click on LinkedIn, Indeed, etc. any job you post will get flooded with resumes from people who are completely unqualified and have literally never held a programming job or have any computer-related education. Can't blame people for optimism, I suppose?

If we jump to the next level of the funnel, to people who have passed an initial resume screen and are doing a phone or in-person interview, I estimate at least 60% of those candidates are still unqualified to hold a position as an actual software developer solving actual technical problems with code, in my personal experience.

The only people who are incredulous aren’t running interviews, or maybe charitably they work someplace where people want to work.

I am curious if you have had good luck with “Tell me if I made a wrong assumption in a question.” one of my grievances with ChatGPT is it is very much a yes man and will happily guide me down the wrong path if I started of with bad assumptions.

Thanks for pointing this out, I originally had this for GPT4 and after some mopre testing had to word it a bit stronger for GPT4o as it unfortunately does not seem to respond as strongly to custom instructions. Here's the newer version:

  "- Important: Analyze my input for wrong assumptions. If I made any, start with "ASS: " and explain what I assumed wrong."
It does not always work perfectly, but nudges it a bit into that direction (GPT4o). Let my show you two examples.

Example 1)

  "Is it better to use Python or Microsoft Excel for developing a high-performance gaming engine?"
Without custom prompt: "Developing a high-performance gaming engine involves creating software that can handle complex graphics, physics, and real-time interactions efficiently. Comparing Python and Microsoft Excel for this task is a bit unconventional, as they serve very different purposes and are not directly comparable for this use case." (followed by some non gamedev related pros and cons for Python and Excel)

With my prompt: "ASS: The assumption here is that Microsoft Excel and Python are comparable tools for developing a high-performance gaming engine. This is incorrect." (followed by good reasons and suggestions of C++ or Rust as alternatives)

Example 2)

  "Since Raspis are only running windows nowadays, how to debug wifi issues?"
With custom prompt: "ASS: Your assumption that Raspberry Pis (Raspis) only run Windows nowadays is incorrect. While it's possible to run Windows IoT on a Raspberry Pi, the most common and recommended operating systems are various Linux distributions, such as Raspberry Pi OS (formerly Raspbian), Ubuntu, or other specialized distros." (followed by what to do for windows on pi)

Without custom prompt: (just some istructions what to do with windows on raspi)

Also, every time the answer starts with "ASS", I have a little bad humor laugh.

Nice, thanks for the response, that is definitely an improvement.

I am not sure assuming they know what they are doing is too reasonable but it might be reasonable to assume they will optimize for the default so straying too far might be a bad idea anyway

Might be missing it but this doesn’t delete old sims or device files which in my experience is worst offender for taking up space by Xcode. But agree with sentiment that a paid app is overkill


  xcrun simctl shutdown all && xcrun simctl erase all

My Mom recently got banned from X, she literally has never tweeted and just uses it to follow some family members. She sent in an appeal and got a seemingly auto reply rejection immediately that she will never be able to access X again. Even worse then this in the sense that they refused to even tell her what she was accused of. I am guessing her account got hacked and someone sent something objectionable. It is not the end of the world for her but she was pretty upset by it. It got me thinking how screwed I would be if google decided to ban me with no recourse. I think the complete lack of support in these situations should be illegal.

I am not sure how active it is still but there was a pretty healthy ipod modding community a few years back if you are eager for those ergonomics with modern functionality.

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