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Great interview. If you liked it then here is another with the same author that is also worth your time: https://lithub.com/in-which-padgett-powell-employs-an-extend...

But they do mention this in the post.

> We assume that this ban on Element is a result of a misunderstanding around decentralised and federated services such as Matrix (an open standard for real time communication). The Element app is just one of many apps that give access to the Matrix network. A simple parallel is that banning Element because it gives access to the Matrix network is the equivalent to blocking Google Chrome because it gives people access to the web, or Gmail because it gives people access to email.

This implies it but isn't direct. I would have liked to see a specific callout to users telling them how to solve the problem they are having.

Instead their are clues scattered around the post in messaging directed at political influence,not problem solving.

What is the benefit for enrolling in the program? Is it just money? Sounds like a very bad system indeed if the fines are lower than the payout.

You get paid an up front amount for enrolling, and then you get paid a per-event amount for complying, as well as different amounts for e.g. testing, having smart monitoring, etc.

Great to see that this extension doesn't require any permissions. Good job!

Oof, you don't want to know the trouble I went through to avoid needing `storage` permissions. Glad to hear that that's appreciated :)

The joke is about imagining a famous historic person as a child instead of an adult. I think it's just in there to lighten the presentation up rather than make a big point about Shakespeare.

I think the idea you are presenting is a straw man.

While he is certainly an excellent developer with great productivity to boot, LOC is an obtuse metric. For example there is a package-lock.json commit which is almost 20K lines. Otherwise I totally agree.

Agree, if anything it should be the reverse, less LOC produced means more efficient developer. But that's also a shit metric, as then people start cramming in as much complexity in every line as possible.

Best would be if we could actually measure "complexity" in a objective manner.

I agree, but one persons microaggression is anothers milliaggression.

So perhaps the best way is openness and receptive communication on all sides.

A: maybe you didn't mean it, but when you said _____, I felt it was subtle a slight to ____ or I had a bad experience with that.

B: hmm, you're right I didn't mean it. I will take that into consideration.

Bad reactions include:

A: I'm going to be silently angry at B and write snide things on social media. I will label them with loaded terms.

B: This is outrageous! What has the world come to with this politically correct BS?! Suddenly I have to think about what I say?!

Millican Smith The Roll Pack 25L. I'm very happy with it, has everything I want and looks great.


That might be true for one specific country/state. But different countries have different laws.

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