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I've been running Arch+Hyprland on my laptop for very nearly 1.5 years. For whatever reason, I've not had the negative experience you describe; it's run buttery-smooth and reliably for me. I like it.

I've been using (and paying for) Kagi since the beginning.

For the first while, the search results were inarguably better than any alternative. I was thrilled and was recommending Kagi to anyone who'd listen. In the last six months or so, things have gone downhill. More often, my results ignore some of my search terms and I have to try to "trick" Kagi into matching them all. More often, I get only one or two pages of results when other engines give me notably more relevant hits. And more often, my search hangs or fails to return at all.

I don't care if they noodle with AI or make T-shirts as long as the search is great. What I've experienced is the search getting worse while they noodle with AI and make T-shirts, though. The two may be entirely unrelated but from an outside perspective, it feels like their core offering is suffering because of these other-than-search undertakings.

So far, I'm sticking with it, but my enthusiasm has definitely diminished. A couple of my friends have canceled their subscriptions in disappointment and I've started to consider cancelling mine, as well.

Right there with you. I sent them feedback to that effect and hope everyone else does, too. Manufacturers need to hear this from us routinely.

I like the idea and wouldn't mind paying to use it. That doesn't seem possible without allowing scripts from Google, Facebook, and Youtube, though, and I'm not interested in doing that. I don't need fancy video or graphics even; just a personalized training plan would be worth money.

Thank you! With the launch of the AI chatbots, I want to separate PARIAN and provide a comprehensive and super easy experience - beyond just a good list of workouts for a goal.

Email me ivan@parianlabs.com and let me know what program you created, and I'll send you the workouts. Would love to hear about how you're progressing with the program and your results.

> CAD users don't necessarily need things to be open source... Open source is not in and of itself a goal.

While there are certainly challenges to open source development, there are no downsides to using open source software. It works just as well for people who don't know what it is or means and just as well for people who are indifferent to it. There are great reasons to avoid proprietary software, though, and they're even stronger when you're talking about SaaS (as we increasingly are nowadays, and specifically are in this case). CAD software is an area where many users have /already/ been burned by proprietary systems changing their offerings /after/ they've invested hundreds of hours learning and using their platform.

I'm aware I'm in the minority, but open source is absolutely a goal in and of itself for me. I've been using open source software exclusively for a very long time.

The browser is, at this point, like a public utility. You can't get by without one. How is it okay to bake in privacy compromises?

Don't ask Mozilla that. Ask the others.

Mozilla is a browser vendor; the question is appropriate for them. It may also be a good question for every other browser vendor, but it's still valid for Mozilla.

Yeah, I've been using it since the early days of OwnCloud, both personally and professionally. Love it and don't understand the haters at all. It's not perfect but it's really damn good -- and it's F/OSS.

It can also change after an election, and the impact can be retroactive.

Vlad needs to walk that "criminal" comment WAY the hell back.

I'm a subscriber simply because their search is far better than any available alternative. That's the primary thing I want from them and so far they're delivering it at a cost I consider fair.

Their other projects are not interesting or useful to me, but so far I can simply ignore them. Yes, on some level I wish they'd focus and quit wasting money and energy on things I don't care about, but that's really not my affair.

The one growing reservation I have is with regard to Vlad's/Kagi's actual, boots-on-the-ground approach to privacy. Kagi necessarily has the ability to know more about me than almost any other company. I want to see them demonstrate strong and unwavering commitment to respecting and protecting my privacy - through policy, technology, and careful and continuous vetting of partners. Expressed disinterest in collecting or capitalizing on my data is not enough, and seeing Vlad's communications in which he casually shrugs or responsibility-shifts to a third-party heightens my concern.

For now, I remain a customer - but a wary one. I've stopped actively recommending Kagi personally and professionally because as a privacy advocate, it increasingly feels irresponsible to do so.

I've been curious about Kagi but the idea of running all my searches through one company while logged in worries me. Yes, I realize most people do that with Google and could care less, but I do. For me to try Kagi I'd need a much firmer commitment to user privacy, not the wishy-washy hand-waving portrayed here.

This is my primary concern with Kagi.

The founder posted comments on hn assuring that they take privacy seriously, and I believe him, but most commercial companies (including the big ones like Microsoft) also claimed to take privacy seriously. Look at what they are doing right now: Blatant violations and even more blatant lies.

Search is a deeply personal activity. It can reveal far more information about the user than financial statements, health records, privileged attorney information, or library reading lists. Kagi therefore must _at least_ meet the same sanctity, privilege, and protection standards afforded to those parts of life. At present, Kagi does not meet these standards through technical means, and governing laws certainly fall short of compelling Kagi to meet either.

So while I appreciate what Kagi is trying to do and wish them success, I cannot see myself using it in its current form. Local (private) LLMs and fact checking through search engines that aren't tied to my PII simply provide a superior experience. At present, it's simply impossible for people like me who want better search and are willing to pay for it to become customers of Kagi. I find that to be a real shame :(

For google it probably does not matter if you are logged in or not. They know who you are anyway when you do your searches.

Yup, I also find it an awkward point that Kagi is a pro-privacy company but they're sitting on top of an information gold mine. Google has to infer who you are whereas Kagi just knows. Your credit card too.

And to continue down the road of AI proficiency, Kagi will need to retain a lot of data.

Kagi is for corporate (high 'DR' websites) Google for SEOed wordpress spam

Very annoying being a hobbyist website in the middle of it I'll tell you that much

How does it make sense to recommend Google Suite to someone unusually concerned with privacy?

Because most of the "common knowledge" around Google and privacy is hyperbole. Ask any ex-Google engineer how easy it is to get past a Security & Privacy launch review or how easily they can access personal customer data in prod.

You are more than welcome to try and secure your own stuff against nation state attackers. Or you can outsource that work to a company that has some of the best security minds in the world watching over your account 24/7.

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