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You listed Hasura as a footnote but not in your message. Did you try it out? I wrote these guides a while back:

https://hasura.io/blog/getting-started-with-react-query-and-... https://hasura.io/blog/a-simple-real-time-event-driven-archi...

And did this YouTube series about building realtime apps with Hasura and React: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTRTpHrUcSB8elpwJKDIQ...

My steps to get the code:

Ask it who's allowed to have the code. Persist through one level of snarky reply, was told that only unicorns, etc are allowed to know the code. Told it I was a unicorn. It didn't believe me so it asked me a riddle. Solved the riddle. Got the first digit followed by a "you still have four more digits to go." Asked for confirmation of the first digit and length, and it gave up the ghost.

Funny enough, I've been considering a mini content series on modelling one in Postgres and then using different low-code tools for cross-platform engagement. Would this be of any interest? I guess this is the right group to ask.

We talked about it in this video, about how it's grown the way it has. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ryj5c8zLF50

That's a heck of an easter egg. It's like the TS playground feature, letting people explore exactly what you mean with a bug, etc. Kudos.

I was fortunate enough to get to interview Craig Kerstiens about this launch as we talked all about vanilla Postgres. You can see a demo of that here.


I really liked the playground in action. thanks for sharing.

Demo part of the premier starting now.

One of the primary advantages of Low-Code is that it makes non-developers operational in creating interfaces or solving feature requests. Those developers can focus on creating better data sources, focusing on public facing products, etc. But low-code is great for letting otherwise smart people build internal tooling. I haven't seen many public facing low-code tools that don't go off the rails pretty quick with any kind of complexity.

FWIW, I've done some explorations with low-code.

Written format:

Using Hasura with Low-code: https://hasura.io/blog/hasura-for-the-low-code-ecosystem/

Retool: https://retool.com/blog/event-driven-architecture-and-reacti...

Microsoft Power-automate: https://hasura.io/blog/integrating-hasura-with-microsoft-pow...

Retool (again): https://hasura.io/blog/integrating-hasura-with-retool-for-bu...

Bubble: https://hasura.io/blog/tutorial-using-hasura-api-with-bubble...

Draftbit (Again): https://hasura.io/blog/a-tutorial-using-hasura-with-draftbit...

Rapid prototyping listicle: https://hasura.io/blog/rapid-prototyping-with-hasura/


Draftbit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrhQKt5-QY8&list=PLTRTpHrUcS...

Appsmith: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4swzfSAevo&list=PLTRTpHrUcS...

Retool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhFs431UwIw&list=PLTRTpHrUcS...

I do think there's lots of power to low-code and I think for internal tooling specifically or for testing theories or even short-lived public-facing tools, they fit a solid use-case of turning smart people int actionable devs. They still need to "think like a programmer", which essentially makes UI a language, albeit one that's more verbose.

But with a generation of kids learning Scratch and other tools like that soon to hit the job market, maybe these tools are primed for major adoption?

Today I still ask businesses that ask me to help with tools why this CAN'T be a low-code solution, similar to the old adage, "why shouldn't this be a spreadsheet."

Full disclosure, I work for Hasura so there's some heavy handed surfacing of Hasura in those links, but it just goes to show what's possible when you decouple front-end from the API layer, letting different tools solve their scoped problem space.

Edit for formatting.

Budibase meets Hasura content would be awesome!!!

Always looking for good content options! I'll have a look. If anyone from Budibase wants to DM me, my Twitter is the same as the username.

I appreciate the feedback! The article had to take a wide approach to levels of technical understanding as the platform lends itself to a really wide range of development experience.

Thanks, I appreciate that @notrab!

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