The GPS jamming map linked to in the article[1] discusses this somewhat, in the "About the data" box:
- ADS-B messages include position information from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), like GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou, etc.
- It is not possible to directly measure GNSS interference, but we do calculate the NIC (Navigation integrity category) for ADS-B messages.
- The NIC value encodes the quality and consistency of navigational data received by the aircraft.
- Poor NIC values alone might indicate a problem with an aircraft’s equipment or unfavorable positioning. However, when observed in multiple aircraft in close proximity during the same time frame, it suggests the presence of a radio signal interfering with normal GNSS operation.
PDF-XChange Editor[1] is a very good PDF viewer and annotator. Unfortunately, no Linux equivalent comes close, IMHO. Fortunately, it runs very well on Wine[2].
Rainmeter is quite pretty, but the displays (skins) seem to only work on the desktop.
The author of the article has iStart on the menu bar, so the performance indicators are visible even when application windows are covering the desktop. The GNOME extension system-monitor-next[1], as mentioned in the article, is also similar.
Does anyone have recommendations for something similar on Windows?
Oh, there were a ton of these utils back in the days.
I can't vouch for any of them because I don't use them, but just a quick search for "cpu utilization hdd utilization in the taskbar" shows a lot of options, eg
Interesting! I've used Linux Mint for the last 5+ years (and am using the Xanmod kernel, which is on 6.6), but have always been Pop OS curious. This increases my curiosity, I may have to give it a go on my laptop.