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How is this the same or different than Fastly's compute at edge product?

This still happens in Canada I believe

I know an American civil engineer who has one of these rings: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engineer%27s_Ring

Wikipedia says the oath that goes with it is:

I am an Engineer.

In my profession I take deep pride. To it I owe solemn obligations.

As an engineer, I, (full name), pledge to practice Integrity and Fair Dealing, Tolerance, and Respect, and to uphold devotion to the standards and dignity of my profession, conscious always that my skill carries with it the obligation to serve humanity by making best use of the Earth's precious wealth.

As an engineer, I shall participate in none but honest enterprises. When needed, my skill and knowledge shall be given without reservation for the public good.

In the performance of duty, and in fidelity to my profession, I shall give the utmost.


I get the impression this ring is not for "software engineers". I really dislike that term, I call myself a computer programmer to anybody who asks, regardless of the title my employer flatters me with. I think "software engineer" is leaching off the social prestige real engineers have earned for their professions. Prestige the software industry in general does not yet deserve. Programmers take jobs making shitty socially harmful products then deflect all blame to their employers, denying their own responsibility to society that oath describes.

I am sure there are some programmers who deserve it, but by in large, the term is used by companies to flatter code monkeys making gambling apps, spyware, social media skinner boxes, etc. I am not without sin here, so I refuse to call myself an engineer.

Those other engineering professions some harmful things too. Didn't engineers design prisons, casinos, nuclear weapons, land mines, plants that manufacture harmful chemicals, etc..? The only way to believe that these oaths make a difference is to ignore all those things.

Anyway, at my university (CS/computer eng. major) everyone in the engineering school goes through the same induction ceremony that I think had a similar oath. I still have the Wash. U. Engineer's Creed card in my wallet. I vaguely remember that Tau Beta Pi had a similar thing. Honestly, I appreciate the ideals, but I don't think the oath made folks from my program any more ethical than those from other schools.

All of the things you've listed aren't universally bad. Prisons keep bad people out of society (and yes, I'm aware that some folks shouldn't be in prison, and I wish that'd change, but majority are in the clink for violent crime). Nuclear weapons ensure superpowers can't attack each other - that's why we haven't had a world war in the past 76 years in spite of some pretty crazy tensions. Land mines make land invasions difficult and protect those who installed them. Harmful chemicals usually are not made just for the harm - they have their own useful functions. So I'd draw the line much further than that: somewhere near biological and chemical weapons which have no useful function at all, and do not help with maintaining peace.

The fact you can justify land mines says it all about the ability of some oath to ensure anything about the behaviour of large groups of people.

Yes, soldiers on the battlefield are very thankful for the land mines, assuming they're the ones who installed them. With any luck a dude from the other side might not be able to cross the field and slit their throats in the dead of the night. Just as pilots are thankful for fighter jets not crapping out in mid-air, and nuclear submarine sailors are thankful for the engineering that went into the hull, and a gunner is thankful for the shells which don't explode in the barrel of a howitzer. War is hell, but if you're going to win it (or even deter it), you'll need engineers who know how to design weapons. And this is not the kind of game that you can just decline to participate in unless you'd like to learn a foreign language in a concentration camp.

The big problem with landmines is they are not generally cleaned up after the war, leaving them around for innocents to trigger and get hurt, maimed, or killed.

Yes. They can be deployed irresponsibly, but that's hardly the engineer's fault.

> we haven't had a world war in the past 76 years

This is of little comfort to the many victims of US foreign policy over that same period

Believe me, things would be _a lot_ worse if there were no nukes and superpowers could go at one another. We're talking 100x the casualties. Most of the violent deaths in the 20th century were the fault of the governments, one way or another. The only reason they don't do that anymore is it'd be self-destructive.

Nothing inherently wrong with prisons. They're necessary. Even the most egalitarian societies will have at least one person who is relentlessly violent and needs to be forcefully confined.

Our faculty (Masaryk University Faculty of Informatics) definitely has such an oath & everyone has to take it - here in Czech: Section 33 (5): https://is.muni.cz/do/mu/Uredni_deska/Predpisy_MU/Fakulta_in...

Machine translated to English (FI MUNI is heavy into NLP anyway ;-) ) it looks like this:

a) at the bachelor's degree: “I solemnly promise to dedicate my life to the service of humanity; I will keep Masaryk University, where I obtained a bachelor's degree, and its teacher in the memory and respect that belong to them; I will be faithful to my profession and I will be fair and accommodating to his colleagues; I will develop the projects I participate in to the best of my ability so as to serve man; I will not tolerate evil, bad practices or bribery; I will not allow that issues of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social status my professional decisions; I will not abuse my professional knowledge and skills even under duress. So I promise to my honor, freely and of my own free will. "

b) at the master's degree: “I solemnly promise to dedicate my life to the service of humanity; I will maintain my love and gratitude for Masaryk University, where I obtained a master's degree; I will responsibly perform all my professional duties and consider the ethical implications of my professional activity; I will not allow my activity to be in conflict with the rights of individuals, groups or organizations to respect their privacy and integrity and will not allow their knowledge to be misused and the ability to enable their violation; I will not abuse the properties of the processing systems information or knowledge of them for their personal benefit; I will be in my professional career to act with awareness of the limits of my professional competence and the field in which I work; I will help deepening awareness of the nature and possibilities of their discipline in society. So I promise myself honor, freely and of one's own free will. "

c) at the doctoral degree “I solemnly promise to dedicate my life to the service of humanity; I will preserve love and gratitude to Masaryk University, where I obtained a doctorate; I will carry out all their professional duties responsibly and consider the ethical implications of their actions in their profession and scientific field; I will expand and develop knowledge in my discipline; I will work in this direction to deepen / deepen the awareness of ethical responsibility for the consequences application and use of procedures and knowledge of informatics in society; I will respect protection intellectual property rights and to weigh it responsibly in relation to the free flow of the open scientific knowledge in international public ownership. So I promise to my honor, freely and of their own free will. "

I strive to respect this oath but I'm not sure if all the other absolvents do or even remember taking it. :P

Yes, it does

So basically PHP is still catching up to Hack and but not quite there yet?

Hack might be better from a language design point of view, but most people outside of Facebook seem to have lost interest in it once PHP 7 caught up to it performance-wise.

With Hack's extensive static type checking and even contexts / coeffects, it's much more than just performance. The bigger your system grows, the more pain it removes.

You still can mix it with plain PHP, much like you can mix TypeScript with plain JavaScript.

I wish high-profile PHP projects, like Nextcloud, migrated to Hack eventually; it can be done piecemeal.

> With Hack's extensive static type checking and even contexts / coeffects

Have you used contexts/coeffects?

My understanding is that it's still yet to be fully rolled out to WWW, and nobody outside FB has yet played around with it. IMO it still has some DX issues (https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/issues/8828) and the examples given in documentation don't actually work in real life (https://github.com/hhvm/user-documentation/issues/1016).

Not extensively; rather, I had to pay attention to the limitations that a particular context enforces.

It's definitely a fresh feature, iirc rolled out last winter.

Ironically, Nextcloud is moving to Golang.


In fact, if you read the discussion, you'll find there are no plans of moving from PHP at all. Nextcloud is not moving to Go.

Oops, you are right, I confused it with ownCloud

Hacks language is better, nobody will deny it. But outside of facebook there is barely no community, not many big open source projects. And as the language is now incompatible you even may not be able to use php libraries.

That sounds right, but probably at considerably lower cost.

Can you provide data on motorcycle engines? I do believe this to be true for 2-strokes and older motorcycles, but for modern Euro-4/5 regulated street motorcycles I very much doubt it.

Carbon emission has an almost direct relationship to the amount of fuel burned, so assuming single occupancy, even older motorcycles do fair better than most cars in that respect. Particulate and NOX emission, not so much.

It's mostly for bikes before Euro4/5. Obviously, new bikes are one thing but most bikes in the USA are offenders of pollution.

A statistic for CA was motorcycles make up 1% of my miles driven but 10% of smog pollutants.

Bikes didn't require catalysts for a long time. And they often used less-precise fueling systems, like carburetors. But that has changed or is changing in a lot of places more recently.

It's the kind of attitude you kinda have to have at that scale, otherwise it's very hard to balance your time between shipping features or fixing issues (you end up biasing towards one side or the other for the detriment of the overall product/team).

Yeah, it's a shame people are praising these new frameworks but forget similar ones that have been around and rocking for years.

Reminds me a bit of QML, though less declarative. Qt creator also has some pretty good IDE support.

It never fit.....

Plasma is already the name of KDE's desktop interface. Reusing the name of an already known project is confusing.

And before KDE, plasma was already the name of a state of matter. It wasn't confusing to reuse it for KDE's interface because the context makes it clear. Same here.

Finding a good name is hard, especially if you want a single word. Going with "Plasma Contacts" or something similar would easily remove the ambiguity.

Yeah, I just click thinking that was something about KDE. Bad feeling give mes, someone that "steals" some popular opensource name for his business.

Yeah it really sucks when people do that. Glad it's not very often.


Using basic/common 6 letter words is not any sort of theft.

I think Production Engineering is especially interesting to me as I think we do a very good job of lowering the wall between ops and dev, mostly we build tools and do evangelism to help SWEs own their own services, but above all we do whatever is necessary to keep the site up in the most scalable way we possibly can. This includes engaging with our product engineers, not just infrastructure, and helping them understand the impact of product on infra and vice versa. That's one thing I especially like about PE, there is very little of the ops/dev divide, it's more of a partnership with PE and SWE both helping to own the service in production. (disclosure, I work at FB as a PE)

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