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Because I was curious: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arithmetic_IF

It's a three way if statement that scrutinizes a number rather than a boolean, with branches for negative, zero and positive values.

As an GenAI skeptic, I think this is a very cool finding. My experience with AI tools is that they are complete bullshit artists. But to a large extent that's just a result of the way they are trained. If this description of how the data is structured is correct, it indicates that these programs do encode a real model about the world. Perhaps alternative ways of training these same models, or fixing the data afterwards, will result in more truthful models.

I'm not sure what you mean. I've been playing around with Lean and it works fine on a Mac. I am using VSCode, though.

Are you sure? You certainly have rights to your likeness--it can't be used commercially without permission. Di you know this doesn't cover your voice?

I'd assume both are named after System F, the Simply Typed Lambda Calculus enriched with a variety of types of what would widely be called generics.

I"m surprised this doesn't include prayer hands/high-five emoji.

If you ever need to do that in the future in Java for whatever reason, Java actually has it already in the standard library--it's called LinkedHashMap.

Yeah, I think I knew that even at the time, but I suspect if my answer was just "import java.util.LinkedHashMap", they might have been a bit disappointed.

It's extremely oriented towards laymen, and if you think it sounds interesting, you will probably enjoy it a lot. (Even if you don't agree with its conclusions)

I assume what they meant was that only some colors are pure frequencies, and most are more complex waveforms. As the sibling comment gestures at, "magenta" is the sum of a pure blue wave plus a pure red wave.

"Color" also can refer to several different phenomena which were historically conflated in a way that made teasing apart certain observations difficult. It's a property of objects (apples are red), a property of light (lasers are red) and a property of perception (I see red).

I've just gone from season one to season two in an X-Files rewatch and the sudden appearance of cell phones is shocking.

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