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Do you mean Source Engine?

How is this called a Buffer Overflow and not a logic error? you are not overflowing the buffer and rewriting the registers, but taking the user input in the same buffer that holds the password and writing the user input from beginning of the buffer. It is not overflowing anything, only wrong bound check for user input. You can't write past the buffer, Rust will halt the program and throw an error.

It could be more interesting to have another buffer holding user input and then overflow it and corrupt the password buffer.

I am curious if that is possible without using unsafe?

Singularity is near

Nice article. Have you tried to compile the program with '--release' flag? Because Cargo builds for debug by default. If you build the program for debug then its slower.

Its possible to use partial function to simulate method calls in C by memoizing the first argument which is always a pointer to the struct that method is getting called from. It requires little assembly. Check this: https://github.com/sharow/experiments/tree/master/partial

No, i suggest to check lthread.

Very good. I discovered some local developers via that .

I am new to Lisps but i did some programming with Haskell and i have understanding of functional programming. I am very excited by the language and i could get my hands on it fast. It is a charm since it compiles down to python and i can see what is going on. I think Hy makes it easy to learn Clojure for Pythonistas as well.

There was a recent discussion about Hy from another post. You may be interested in reading the comments: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8696975 (309 points, 3 days ago, 77 comments)

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