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The media is the message

There is some irony hidden in the remark that his wife sent him the inspiring quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson, that compares books to meals having eaten.

Would like to add the colloquial expression for writing bad code and in general writing something without due diligence: "hinrotzen"

After reading this, Snowpiercer doesn't feel that awkward anymore.

I'm not sure how to define a Russian win? Taking Kyiv? Regime change?

Russia gets to keep what it got so far¥ and everybody having to deal with it?

¥ modulo international recognition, which Russia does not care that much about.

RIP. After all the attacks and humiliation going back and opposing the evil lord is testimony for having skin in the game (BTW, Snowden still in Moscow?).

"Mama Cozzi's Pizza Kitchen 12" Veggie Cauliflower Crust Deli Pizza" Pizza with Cauliflower? WTF or just an Easter egg?

It’s a cauliflower crust pizza. Fairly common among the keto/low-carb crowd, but definitely fairly niche.

Which brings me to the idea, that mandatory handwriting could a more efficient indoctrination tool than typewriting.

In terms of Murphy: "If there is a wrong way to do something, then someone will do it."

Any crowdfunding project that aims at Putins removal?

That's basically what a government does among other things isn't it?

Isn’t that what the CIA is for?

In this case, I think private initiatives are better. Genuine deniability beats plausible deniability. This is not the sort of thing you want tied back to a government. Having a Russian run this is even better, since it's internal. There's no country to retaliate against.

That's what I thought the very first day they attacked, but sadly/luckily every crowdfunding platform that I'm aware of forbids any campaign to fund illegal actions. Given enough time, however, Putin will have to deal with angry people, the military, the oligarchs, and let's not forget the Russian Mafia.

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