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As we saw recently with Mastodon, for a very large section of users, views on "open-source, self-hostable and super customizable" will range from "don't care" at best to "that's too much hassle, pass" at worst.

People just want to write their article and have it come up at the top of Google search results, that's the hype.

I think the idea is the scammer just picks a random business in the area then ships them an empty box with a real tracking number.

There are no till drills that are being sold exceptionally cheap (~$800 US) and show up as the first google ad that are rumored to be an empty box shipped from the country of origin (not China) with incorrect paperwork that gets stuck in customs. Most people say they get their money back through CC or Paypal but maybe a few don't check? Either way it was plausible enough that I did not purchase. The market is small farmers and hunters planting food plots. You can use an old repurposed grain drill if the grass is super short/overgrazed and you can fix it, ~$1500 used on marketplace, or buy a small 4' (no tires/3 point hitch) no till drill US made low end ~$8k. So it is "too good to be true".

In addition to being completely impractical and unnecessary, you are significantly more likely to be harmed by the police officer than by the random stranger.

$80k was my starting salary in Sydney, as a grad, almost 15 years ago. It is not even close to competitive in today's market.

Because crypto in cold storage doesn't earn interest and can't be used as collateral for a margin loan.

Crypto is full of people looking for to get rich quick with interest rates that are obvious ponzi schemes and/or by taking on insane leverage. They don't want to just put tokens in an offline wallet and watch the market prices.

While that is true it is not relevant here, since this example does not involve associativity.

What is relevent here is that integer division is not distributive over addition.

It isn't sarcasm. They are saying recession is bad but giving in to Russia is worse.

Whether code is protected speech or not is utterly irrelevant. Microsoft is not the US Government and has no free speech obligations to anyone.

There are already many forms of protected speech that are banned from GitHub, this is not proving anything.

The assumption that all the money I'm not currently saving is living expenses and that these expenses will continue growing exponentially really throws this off.

Many of the biggest expenses people have - income tax, mortgage payments, raising children - all decrease in retirement. Also, many FIRE proponents explicitly include plans to reduce these expenses even more, such as by moving to a place with lower cost-of-living.

It is a recommendation only, so you won't be fined, but during court proceedings failing to follow this or other recommendations in the highway code can increase your liability.

The government announcement of the changes is here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/the-highway-code-8-change...

If its not a law, then I'm not sure it will have much impact in realworld cases. Any collision between a bicycle and a car door remains an impact between a moving vehicle on the road and a stationary vehicle (Technically the word is "allision" when a moving object strikes a fixed object). Longstanding presumptions will remain heavily weighted against the moving vehicle. And proving which hand was used would seem difficult even with blanket camera footage. Even if only a guideline, burden will be on the bicycle to prove that the guideline had been broken.

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