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HN adblocker when?

Now I feel attacked. :(

Have you had a look at Expr? https://github.com/antonmedv/expr

We are using it for ETL processing and are very happy with it. The performance is excellent and it is easily extendable.

You know, I didn't think about Expr for this project but I did futz around with it as a plugin-like system for another project of mine. I liked it well enough, but I feel like it's not quite out-of-the-box robust enough for how I'm currently designing the engine.

On the other hand, definitely something to keep in mind for the matchmaking system I'm writing along with the game, so I appreciate you bringing it up.

I really love this, thank you. This was so much me back then ... the switch from Windows to a Mac basically was my "awakening" as a dev.

> - A SaaS company, Salmon as a Service, providing next day delivery of fresh salmon, when the same thing can be bought at the local store.

Please take my money, where can I sign for this?

> Wails automatically makes your Go methods available to Javascript, so you can call them by name from your frontend! It even generates Typescript versions of the structs used by your Go methods, so you can pass the same data structures between Go and Javascript.

That sounds really great!

That does sound really nice - would love that with Tauri.

I've never used Typescript, so at the moment I just have the pain of untyped structures in JS-land (and making sure I get it right passing back in to Rust-land) - but, at least as far as I know, if I did use TS I'd just suffer from manually duplicating data structures instead.

(I suppose ultimately I intend to do that, it's just so imperfect anyway that I haven't bothered yet.)

It really is ...

Diese Seiten gehen mir auch extrem auf die Nerven!

Wütendes hochwähl.

Allein deshalb klicke ich auf deutschsprachige Suchergebnisse schon gar nicht mehr drauf.

How do you protect your private keys? I already have an yubikey but it still feels not great.

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