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The only reason I use CarPlay is because I have an iPhone. The experience with Android auto is way ahead. Did you ever try to call a business that’s not in your contacts? Did you ever try to ask a simple question? Siri integration is horrible

I feel like we should separate Voice Assistants from infotainment in general here.

Yes, Siri is terrible, but the EUs new DMA law requires that I be able to select a different voice assistant on iOS too, and that should theoretically, once implemented, also apply to CarPlay.

In my opinion, and while I haven't used "Android Auto" I have used "Android Automotive" (the OS version, without a phone driving the integration), CarPlay the infotainment integration (besides Siri) offers a better user experience.

Siri, in general, is horrible. Just ask Siri: "set an alarm for 12:00 UTC" or "set an alarm for 12:00 Eastern Standard Time" and she will create an alarm named UTC or Eastern Standard Time ... but it's actually in your current timezone.

Super annoying when you want to set an alarm in a timezone you are going to be traveling to.

My Siri hack is to ask "call $business_name near me" and it works pretty well. For asian names, I just ask "call $restaurant_category near me".

I really hope Siri gets that LLM-based upgrade in iOS18 but I can cope with it for now.

Funny enough, the foggy season has the least heat.. and the least light

If this is a phone he’s actually using he just might be in a subway xD

Come to my country. 100% 5G antenna + 100% WIFI anywhere in any metro.

Where is that?

Don't know how far the 5g rollout is, but in Vienna, Austria we have full 4g in all subway lines and stations since 2018. No need for wifi.

Well, Moscow had signal carrying cables in the metro for years. Full coverage since 2018: https://www.expresstorussia.com/news/the-moscow-metro-now-ha...

I have always been confused how some countries have such bad coverage. Before Wi-Fi Calling, it was a nightmare to be inside any apartment building I've been to.


I remember marvelling at the full mobile phone coverage in the Stockholm underground network 20 years ago. London's tube will manage it any year now, I'm sure...


Probably Monaco or the Vatican (though none have a subway).

Because in a real country you always have blind spots, even in relatively easier points such as the Netherlands (flat and populated)

The Vatican sort of has a subway. It has a single train station, which has (rare) passenger service, and about 100m of train tunnel.

Ah, I had no idea! Thanks for sharing that. For reference, the Wikipedia article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vatican_Railway

similarly Monaco doesn't have a subway, but their train station is in a tunnel so I think that would probably count in this instance: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monaco-Monte-Carlo_station

What’s the point? Why would I want images in my console?

Displaying the result of a command as a graph (histograms, plots) can be more pleasant than a bunch of **** bars. An external graphic window works well too, but displaying in place can be convenient sometimes, no need to click or alt-tab.

Running MRI processing on a super computer and I want to check at a certain point in the pipeline that things went correctly by viewing a couple of slices without downloading a huge brain image

Jupyterfying the console

Eg, Euporie - https://euporie.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

> If you’re working with Jupyter notebooks in a terminal only environment, like an SSH server or a container, or just prefer working in the terminal, then euporie is the tool for you!

Uses Kitty ("Currently only the kitty and WezTerm terminals support this"), Sixels, or ansi art.

Also supports SVG, HTML, LaTeX, and Markdown.

Show images inline and have it scroll with other text. This is useful for working with programs that process images. For example, ImageMagick can render a PNG in the terminal like this:

   convert image.png six:-
"six" means use Sixel format, and "-" tells it to write to stdout.

Demo (running on cygwin's mintty): https://twitter.com/uguu_org/status/1631207051602042880

This NES emulator uses Sixels for rendering games over TCP :) https://github.com/henrikpersson/potatis

Checking snapshot diffs from git repo. I would love doing that in terminal instead of opening in external app.

I have scripts that do diffing and opens results in external app, but I will replace this with in-terminal images when I will find out a way to do that.

I find it a lot faster to do icat previews than bother opening up an application to find & view a specific image. Even something as lightweight as feh, is still gonna open a split in my window manager which in going to be more jarring than a preview in the terminal.

It would allow portable graphics applications on the terminal, e.g. this C64-emulator-in-Docker only renders ASCII characters, but could be extended with sixels to render graphics (I actually tinkered with this, but didn't get far because most terminals have either none or too slow sixels support):


Cat photos in /etc/motd

I was installing a fresh copy of Windows 10 this week and Cortana told me that once I connected to a Wifi network I'd be able to get on with browsing cat photos o_O

Microsoft has jokes.

I have literally patched OpenSSH to show me cat pictures instead of the usual randomart.

how many cat pictures do you have for this to work?

As many as necessary and then some. No such thing as too few cat pictures!

I use AI to generate the pictures when natural supply is scarce. Cache them locally, address by host key hash. Use the hash as seed for bonus points.

Mathematical plots, seeing the result of AI generated images, seeing the result of image compression algorithms, ...

Having these intermixed between the regular scrollable textual output is quite powerful.

Plotting data, mathematical notation.

So you can browse Twitter timeline with icons on kernel console on NetBSD/m68k

    $ mpv -vo=sixel ~/Downloads/pirated-hollywood-blockbuster.mkv

Absolutely. Had a blog only she would read. Added a new inspiring quote, a song or a picture every evening and even added a comment section to capture her reaction. It’s no longer online sadly


https://outline.com/VEjrjG <- paywall bypassed. Enjoy!

If you ever wondered how a processor operates - James Newman in Cambridge scaled one up to roomsize so you could walk in and watch it working.

Awesome work, thanks for sharing that link ♥

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