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I don't come from that era but couldn't agree more, every time one of my coworkers suggest using a library I tell them that is ok as long as they maintain it, I prefer to spend my time coding and like to understand as much of the codebase as I can, instead of having to learn and maintain tens of external libraries. Specially if we only need a couple of functions from that library.

I normally lose those debates though, and the thing reaches a point where the complexity of the code makes it impenetrable.

Brain.fm or my coding playlist (mostly synthwave) also instrumental surf


I miss gigposters.com a lot, the community there was awesome with all the big poster artists hanging around and giving beginners advice.

Was going to say webmonkey too, internet connections at that time were dial up and pretty expensive at the time in Spain (you were charged by the minute)

So I downloaded the entire archive using a shareware scraper , and learned a lot from that offline copy.

I enjoy Meth Meth Method a lot, he has a series of videos on making Super Mario Bros with vanilla JS


> I review mostly for architectural compliance and "bad idioms" or code smells. There is difference between not like I would write it and badly written mess and many programmers confuse them.

This ^ I just had this discussion last week in a PR, if the comment is a matter of opinion, the whole team should agree and put a rule in the linter or style guide. If not every one is free to have their own preferences.

They are also guilty of posting fake job offers to work at Honeypot, just to let you know later that "we already have candidates at an advanced stage of our hiring process." (one day after the offer being published)

"However, you know, Honeypot is a tech focused career platform and we currently have a number of positions that match your profile."

I'd avoid them

Another spaniard here, reading the article you get the impression that Spain is some kind of dictatorial country, where the government dictates which times you are allowed to work. It is not, companies have freedom to choose, unless you work for the public administration (where I lived, they work 8 to 15).

BTW I live in Germany now and still do a daily 30 mins siesta after lunch.

From my point of view not bad, I'm over forty and took me 2 weeks to get a job here, also it's really hard to find good seniors I guess due to salaries being lower than other start ups hubs.

Are you in Berlin now? I'd like to ask you more info if you are. [email address removed]

This ^ Now it's even less ghetto, I see hipsters moving here every week. Rent prices are also raising.

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